Captain and Captive

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Renee went over to Leon and started to untie his hands
"Why are you helping me?" He asked
"I'm bored" she answered
"A few minutes ago you wanted to kill me"
"Can't a woman change her mind"
"I don't think you're someone who changes her mind easily"
"You don't know me and I don't know you let's keep it that way" Renee took the rope off giving Leon free hands, the crew was already back on deck and ready for their next destination
"Pier, set a course for Terria and take him to his room" Renee said leaving the deck
"Yes Captain, follow me" Pier and Leon went down below to the cabins
"How did it go?" Pier asked Leon
"With the Merman?"
"It was weird, how does Captain know Rojè?"
"Renee? Yes, they've know each other longer than I have"
"Oh" Leon said quietly
"This is your room, now if you excuse me I have my job to do" Pier left Leon alone in his room, from being a captive to now being a guest on Pirate ship, his father had died because someone murdered him and now he was on the run, why was she helping? Didn't she wanted to hand him over or why did she not believe him the first time he said? Captain Renee was making Leon question a lot of things about her, did she really want to know the truth or there was something else?

Pier knocked softly at Renee's door
"Come in" Renee sat at the desk with map on top, she was seeing how many days it would take to get to Terria
"Captain, are you sure you know what you're doing helping him?" Pier asked
"Yes, is it wrong to go against their law?"
"We both know we don't follow their law, I just worried somebody is going to end up dead"
"Dead? Who do you think will go first?"
"Him, maybe you"
"Do you doubt me already?"
"Pier, whatever I do next is something for a better future, what if this isn't the first late King to be killed? Someone out there might be planning more assassins for the rest of the Kings that went down"
"But what about you? Are you doing this for yourself?"
"Not at all, now I'm feeling tired even talking about it, I'm going to bed" Renee and Pier left the office after locking up then went their separate ways. The night on the sea was cold but calm as the waves rocked the Captain, the crew and the Captive to sleep.

Leon was wide awake, he couldn't sleep and not because his head was racing with thoughts but because he had been through so much in the last two days he left home. He decided he needed some fresh air so he went to the deck, the silence of the waves could be heard it was like the sea was resting as well but in the distance he heard some grunting, he followed the noise to find Captain Renee practicing with her sword, the red Ruby glowed under the crescent light of the moon, her hair was fully down this time and she wasn't wearing a hat. Leon watched her movements, they were elegant with violence, soft with determination and light but with some crazy twist, he hadn't held a sword or used his magic since Gavin died but seeing this was a lot much better. Renee did a finale whip of  her sword then put it back on her side
"Are you just going to stand there?" She asked Leon
"Sorry, I wasn't staring" Leon said
"Why you awake?"
"I couldn't sleep much with everything going on but what are you doing awake?"
"I can't sleep" Renee sounded a little soft in her voice
"Why is that?"
"You wouldn't understand" Renee said as she leaned on the side of the ship
"Try me" Leon said joining her, Renee looked at him and wondered why he was interested in her reason of being awake but since he wanted to know she decided to tell him
"When I was born, I was born with great magical power not like a wizard or witch but a power without limits to me it was a blessing but at night it's a curse"
"Because I attract souls, not just any Souls but the ones that hold a grudge, they're not silent they want their grudges to be broken but I can't help them so I'm tormented"
"I'm sorry"
"Don't feel pity for me" her soft voice changed to cold once again
"When I left home I wanted to find adventure, I wanted to find a name for me rather than Prince and now my Father is dead and I'm wanted for his death, all I want is too find my destiny but I guess it has another idea for me"
"Destiny? You believe in destiny?"
"Who doesn't?"
"Having your future written by someone else is how you want your life? No matter what destiny threw at me I went with my own flow and so should you, go to bed Leon and that's an order" Renee left the deck leaving Leon alone, the calm breeze brushed against his face as he sighed and went back into his room

                                .     .     .     .

The sun rose in the beautiful Crystal Kingdom, the kingdom was mourning the loss of their King especially William, preparation for the Funeral was a big task , William had to find out where he would bury his father, how long they would walk across town with his body and sent invitations to other kingdoms to mourn with him. But with all these preparations he couldn't stop thinking of his brother Leon, why would he kill his father? Leon loved him as much as William and they were a close family but this was unexpected and unexplainable, he was questioning Leon's intentions and the past they shared together.
"Your Majesty, you have a visitor" a servant said as he was in the office
"Send them away" William said
"But your majesty, they said they won't leave unless  you see them"
"Alright send him in" The servant left for a few minutes then came back with a strange man dressed as a pirate, he had long black hair tied in a ponytail, his eyes were a deep green  and he had a short scar up his lip.
"Leave us" William said and the servant left
"Who are you?" William asked in a strict tone
"So this is the Office of the great King William, it looks comfy" the man's voice was a regular tone but the way he said things sounded slow with intimidation
"I won't ask again" William said
"I'm the man who will help you catch the fugitive that was once called Prince"
"You know how to catch my brother?" William sat down interested
"Let's just say a dear old friend of mine is going to lead me right to him"
"I'll give you anything but bring him in alive and unharmed"
"The price you have to give me is quite simple"
"A sword with a red Ruby"
"Alright, I'll have it made for you"
"The sword I speak of can't be made like a normal one, the one I want must be taken from a Captain"
"Who are you exactly?"
"Me? Well you can call me Valin, Valin of the Treadshore"
"Valin, what's in the sword that's so special"
"It's not the sword that's special but the Ruby inside of it"

                                .      .     .     . 

The ocean pushed the ship forward as the light rain fell softly on the ship instead of the sun shining, it was actually morning but time couldn't be told and Pier was holding a map to make sure the course was right. Leon walked up to where the steering wheel was for the ship and joined him
"Where we headed?" Leon asked Pier
"Terria" he answered as he out the map down
"Terria is Renee's territory and we also give out Fugitives there"
"So she's not going to help me,I knew she was untrustworthy"
"She is going to help you, taking you to Terria is safe Valin might be looking for you but he won't cross a pact he made and Renee is the most trustworthy person you will ever meet in this sea full of Pirates"
"Oh sorry"
"Renee want you in her office" Pier said and Leon went his way to Renee office, he softly knocked on the door and heard a muffled 'come in', he opened the door and Renee was looking at her desk, filled with people Leon knew from Andrew down to her Father
"What is this?" He asked looking at the pictures
"Finding the person that killed your father is making suspects and since these are all the people you know and we're close with you and your Father these people are suspects this will get us closer to our fugitive" She explained
"Andrew has nothing to do with this, I've known him for my whole life"
"You can't trust anyone even the person who has been by your side for your entire life"
"You only saying that cause you maybe have experience" Leon wasn't controlling the words that came out of his mouth, Renee banged her fist in the table after Leon finished talking
"If you don't want my help, just say so then I can kill you right here and now but don't you ever think you know me" her voice wasn't as welcoming as it was the first time he walked in the office, he shivered as he heard her words.
"Sorry" Leon said looking down on the ground
"Get out" she said deeply
"I said get out!!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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