"Remember that time is ticking. The last day for registration for the tournament is Sunday."

"I know, sir."

Shou's perseverance and desire, coupled with his undying determination, aroused Hanashima's deeply buried emotions. No subject had attracted this much attention in a long time.

"Sir, can I ask you something?"

"I am listening."

"Can you do me a favor when the time comes?"

"Depends on what you want."

"You'll see very soon."


"Are you sure you won't come back to your team this year?"


"You can't quit football."

"And you?"

"You know that's not the point."

"Anyway." He took his ocean blue eyes away from his friend's earthy eyes. "I didn't say I quit football."

Aoto and Tagi were training alone on the football field under the orange lights of the setting day.

"Maybe you'd like to know something I learned about the tournament."

"What's that?"

"I heard that the team that wins the tournament this year will not only stay within the school borders but will be announced globally to the galaxy."

"To the galaxy?" Aoto's eyes widen.

"This might be the opportunity you've been looking for to him to see you."

Aoto remains silent and thinks. Although he doesn't respond, the silence ends with a shout from the other side of the field.

"Is there space for one more person?" Shou had finally arrived at the field.

Seeing someone training here made him obvious. As they got closer, he had the chance to see their faces and thanked God a thousand times for being so lucky.

He immediately recognized the face in front of him. His golden blonde hair on his snow-white skin, his ears resembling a strainer, and his blue eyes that would make both the sky and the ocean jealous. This was none other than Aoto in the log book he was examining in the library.

Standing next to him was a tall, brunette-skinned man with short hair. Shou was not yet advanced enough to distinguish between creatures, but when he looked at his ears, he realized that he was from a race he was familiar with. He was a werewolf.

"Of course!" The werewolf answered in an unexpectedly warm manner. His answer caused Aoto to look at him as if to say, come on.

"I'm Shou." pointing at him, "You must be Aoto. Believe me, I've heard your name a lot!"

"Everybody talks too much." His soft voice was as cold as his skin color.

"We've heard a few things about you too. You are a human, aren't you?"

"It's him!" He smiled, "And if I'm not mistaken, you must be a werewolf..." He couldn't continue his sentence because he didn't know his name.

"Tagi." He introduced himself, "You guessed it right, I'm a werewolf."

"Let me take another guess, you're a goalkeeper."

"Well...." Shou came while Tagi and Aoto were training and saw him guarding the net. Denying it wouldn't help.

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