Run Off The World

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(I was painting a picture
The picture was a painting of you
And for a moment I thought
you were here
But then again, it wasn't true.

And all this time I have been lyin'
Oh, lyin' in secret to myself
I've been putting sorrow on the farthest place on my shelf.


Shou was looking at the family photo he had framed in his hand. He already missed her mother and Suzu.

"I promise you, Dad. I will win this tournament for you."

Shou said he would study after the end of his lessons and headed to the library

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Shou said he would study after the end of his lessons and headed to the library. He wasn't lying, he was going to study. However, the subject he was going to study on would not make Erika happy.

When he entered the library consisting of seemingly endless shelves, he couldn't help but be fascinated once again. The attendant spoke to the witch and asked her where she could find school records.

"What record do you exactly looking for?"

"The football tournaments held."

Upon his request, the witch wrote a text consisting of a block and a number on a small notepaper and handed it to Shou.

It was quite difficult for Shou to find the given location in the labyrinth-like library, but he finally succeeded.

In this part of the library were the records of Momoyama High School. He found the letter "f" among the books arranged alphabetically. Football.

The logbooks were in two volumes. Since what Shou was looking for was last year's tournament, he tucked the recent one under his arm and sat at a table.

He was carefully turning over the yellowed pages. He finally realized that he had reached the page he was looking for when he saw the surname Furuya. It was then that he realized that the triplets had not only played last year, but had also participated in previous tournaments.

Let's get back to our topic. Shou found the demon team's match with the sirens. He examined the striker that Erika was raving about.

Aoto Gonzales Takuma. He scored a head-trick by scoring three goals in the match. Maybe it wasn't enough to win the match, but it was, even, too much to get under Kota's skin.

He continued by examining the final match. Amarillo's captain, Akira, looked more built and bigger than the others. He was a centaur after all. Shou thought he should come back another time and do more detailed research on the creatures.

His next stop was the gym. Mr. Hanashima was there, looking exasperated as ever. Shou greeted him and asked where he could find the football field. Hanashima described its location.

"How's the team-fromimg going, kid?"
As Shou was about to turn around and leave, Hanashima called out.

"More amazing than you can imagine."

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