chapter 1 : 4 survival

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The silence of the empty convenience store was a welcome relief for Han, signalling the end of another workday. With the holiday coming up, Han had closed the store early, looking forward to his day off and the bonus that came with it. As he walked through the deserted park, he couldn't help but notice the absence of any other people. It seemed everyone was tucked away, preparing for Christmas Eve.

The flickering of the street lights sent a wave of uneasiness through Han, He quickened his pace, reaching for his phone in a moment of panic, ready to call for help. But when he glanced back before dialling, there was no one there. It was all in his head, his imagination running wild again. "Goddamnit," He mumbles in his breath, anxiety getting the best of him he plays with his keychains on his bag to calm himself down

Despite rationalising with himself, Han couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. It was as though a presence lingered just beyond his line of sight.

Upon his second glance, his attention was captivated by a faint gleam on the floor. It turned out to be an unlocked phone. The screen displayed a single message: "Are you ready?" with no option to decline. Han's unease mounted as he pressed "yes," and the phone abruptly dropped to the ground, projecting a hologram of a system screen, the screen said "System . . . Loading . . ." Han stood there, frightened to even move, the system started to talk yet again making Han shake,his eyebrows furrowed upwards, he was confused, uncomfortable on this situation

"Cerulean Han, age 20 years old," the system's voice echoed, causing Han's brow to furrow in confusion and fear. He felt uncomfortable. "What the fuck.." he says quietly, he was sweating out of fear,for some reason he was scared. He couldn't comprehend why he was trembling in fear, unsure of why this seemingly ordinary phone had him so terrified.

"Teleporting . . 5%" the system announced, leaving Han bewildered as he tried to make sense of the situation. Fortunately, he was able to grasp the situation.

"Teleporting . . 15%" the system was going fast making han nervous, he tried to pick up the phone and turn it off but it was impossible.

"Teleporting . . 25%" it was going too fast for Hans liking, he was shaking. If this goes on any further he might faint  in apprehension. Seeking refuge in his apartment, Han was relieved to close the door behind him, hoping to dispel the sense of impending doom.

However, his relief was short-lived. The phone from the park reappeared in his apartment, the hologram still in motion.

The phone from the park was here, sending shivers down his spine as the screen displayed "Teleporting... 53%". Out of fear, he rushed to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and returned to repeatedly stab the phone  "GO AWAY GO AWAY… GO AWAY.. JUST PLEASE." He screamed,Despite his desperate attempts, the system continued its process without pause.

"Teleporting . . 64%" the more the numbers got higher, he kept stabbing it insane, he was slowly losing it but the phone didn't break, it was completely fine not even a scratch was seen on the screen.

"Goddamnit just.. Break already! What does this stupid phone want from me?!" He uttered in frustration, His eyes welled up with tears, overwhelmed by the fear of the unknown consequences that awaited him, while the relentless system continued its operation.

"Teleporting . . 87%" the system's hologram starts to glitch, and taking advantage of that he keeps stabbing the phone at speed, stabbing it multiple times like a madman.

The system malfunctioned, fluctuating between 89% and 99%, causing his hand to tremble as he relentlessly tapped the phone with remarkable speed. With each passing moment, his appearance grew increasingly deranged until his actions were abruptly halted by the sight of a man emerging from the hologram.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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