Nice to know you!

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"Grandma! Hold on a little... Gran-"
"Please wait here untill we call you" The doctors said.

Mrs. Kim Yunjoo, 67 years old lady suffered from a diseases, a dreadful disease. Her granddaughter is always by her side. Since her birth, her parents kept her in the hands of her grandmother, left their daughter to stay with an old lady. But her grandmother love her in all possible ways. She too a good care of her granddaughter. Kim Sena, 20 years old also take a good care of her grandmother. Especially when she knew about her diseases, Sena can't leave her grandmother alone as she worried about her much. One evening, her Mrs. Kim collapsed on the floor. The sound of collapsing called Sena. When she reach the living room, her grandmother was already unconscious. She immediately called an ambulance and they head towards the hospital. The doctors immediately begin an operation oh her and asked Sena to wait for her out side the operation room.

After 4 hours

"The operation is well done Mrs." The doctor words made her smile brightly
"Thank you for your hard works, thank you so much" She bowed before the doctor.

Inside the hospital ward 🏥

Sena and her grandmother shared a general cabin ward with one of the patient. Sena wipe her grandmother's body with a damp towel to remove all the dust particles. After an hour Mrs. Kim wake up from the operation. Founding her granddaughter besides her relieved her mind.
"You're awake? How are you feeling grandma. If you're not feeling well you should tell me beforehand"
"It's my fault. I was feeling unwell in the afternoon, but it was too late when I collapsed. I'm sorry Sena.. I'll always te you beforehand from now on" She smiled at her brightly.
"It's fine. The doctor said that you can't still eat anything :( Are you hungry anyway?"
"No no.. The drip is doing fine and it fed me well. If you're hungry go take some food from the hospital cafeteria"
"Are you sure? Will you be ok while I'm gone?"
"I'm not a child Sena! I will be ok. Besides, I'll ring the bell so that the nurse can come as soon as possible"
"Ok, then I'll go. I won't be long"
"Eat well ok. Make sure to chew it properly, you always swallowed your food before chewing"
"I never did!"
"You did! "
"Nahh.. I'm going" She said as she left the ward.
A young man come towards their ward, probably a patient too. But he still looks young, looks more younger than Sena. As expected, he entered the same ward as Sena's grandmother "is he the patient next to our bed?" She kept thinking to herself before walking down the cafeteria.

After finishing her meal🍴🍱

Sena come back to the ward. "I'm ba.. ck. Grandma?" Her grandmother was talking with a young and handsome patient she saw before, they were laughing together. Yes her grandmother laughed genuinely while he look like he forced himself to smile.
"Oh, Sena you're back! This is Sunghoon, our roommate"
Sena walk towards them "Nice to meet you. I'm Sena" She bowed before him as Sunghoon bow back
"I'm Sunghoon... " He said awkwardly.
"By the way, where is your gurdian? Or will you take care of yourself?" Mrs. Kim ask him . Her words make him look gloomy all of the sudden "Th.. They barely come, but I'm ok. They're way too busy" He forced a smile as he said that. Sena senses something was off but choose to say nothing.
"Don't worry, Sena is a good nurse for me too. She'll take care of you if you need any help" She said normally as Sena eyes open widely out of embarrassment "Grandma!"
"What? It's not like your in a bad condition like us. You should help if a person needs a help"
"It's ok, I'm ok with myself" Sunghoon reply.
"But-" Before Mrs. Kim continue, Sunghoon interrupted "Excuse me for a second, I need to take some air" He said as he head outside which left Sena in a guilt.
"Kim Sena!" Her grandmother yelled
"What? You don't have to yell like that" She pouted.
"Ch.. Ch.. Ch... You're such a child"

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