"Bhabi, may I feed him?" I asked Bhabi.

"Sure, if you could. He is a big boy now, so he wants to eat by himself." She smiled.

Yes! She is right...

Kids of his age usually do that, Palwisha did that too. She fed her clothes more than herself, just like Hamza. I smiled looking at him.

"Hamza, what are you doing?" I asked politely.

"Atting." I guess he still doesn't talk properly.

"What are you eating?"

"This." He pointed towards his mash potatoes bowl.

"Oh wow. Your eating potatoes." I said happily and he quickly nodded his head.

"Hamza. Come here." I leaned towards him.


Ahmed's POV:

I watched her as she leaned over to Hamza and said something in his ear. And in less than a minute he was sitting on Sandal's lap, facing her. I looked up at everyone, they were looking at both of them excitedly. Sandal whispered to him again, holding her biryani plate in front of him.
Carefully Hamza picked up the spoon, dropping half rice and fed Sandal. Then Sandal feeds him with his mashed potatoes and he ate quietly.

"Ainy, take training from Sandal." Saeed commented.

"Sure... congratulations Ahmed your kids will be in good hands." Ainy said.

"Why thank you." I smiled at Sandal putting my hand on the back of her chair. Her face was bright red and she kept herself self-busy with Hamza.

After feeding Hamza she wiped his face and place a kiss on his tiny nose. In return he also kissed her on the lips which make her giggle ... for some reason I found myself frowning at it and everyone burst into laughter.

"Ahmed looks like my son going to give you hard time." Saeed winked at me and rolled my eyes.



"Ji (yes)?"

"Are you still mad at me about earlier?" I asked taking a glance at her.

I didn't know why she was keeping her distance since we came back home and she looked scared sometimes, as before when she worked in the office. I was trying so hard to open her up a bit but all came back to nothing and the remaining chance I ruined tonight. I shouldn't have reacted that way.

"No, I am not angry." She answered.

"You don't even know how to lie." I mumbled.

"Hey, let me make it up for you... how about we have a cup of coffee." I said and she gave me a bored look.

"Okay, how about... ice cream?" Her eyes lit upon the name of ice cream.

"Ice cream it is." I mumbled and turned my car towards the nearest ice cream parlour.

"Here is your blueberry ice cream and mine Kulfa." I handed over over both cups to her and start driving.

"Your ice cream is going to melt... eat it first." She told me taking a scoop from her cup.

"Well, that's why you are here."


"Feed me." I ordered.

"Sorry, I am busy." She shrugged.

"WHAT? Are you choosing that stupid cup of ice cream over me?"


"Sandal, I am asking you ... what will you choose. Ice cream or me?" She looked at me then her ice cream and turned her face to the window.

"I don't want my *Mhar money." She said trying to sound serious.

"Fine, then I'll just throw it ... I didn't buy it for eating by myself." I mumbled loud enough for her to hear, but she didn't budge.

When I hold the cup to throw it, she shouted, "Okay, I'll feed you... stop acting like a child."

Victory ...

I slowed down car speed to enjoy this little moment. But soon my excitement died down when I noticed that Sandal was taking three spoons herself after every single spoon she feed me.

"What are you doing?" I frowned.

"Helping you to finish the ice cream." She stated.

"I didn't ask for your help and besides it's mine."

"What are you talking about. I am your wife, I am obliged to help too and besides your everything belongs to me even you like it or not." She said talking another full spoon in her mouth. It's the first time she was talking to me in a friendly atmosphere.

Thank you ice cream...!

I felt much relaxed now.


"Sandal. Where are my clothes?" I turned around and found her standing with my clothes in her hands


"Thanks. Oh, tell me something. Where do you learn to handle kids?"

"I used to look after Palwisha."

"So we feed her too?" She nodded.

"And she also kissed you like Hamza?"

Why did just I ask???

"Yes, sometimes ...kids do that when they are very glad about something."

"What did you do to make him happy?"

I am confused ...

"I asked him to help me eating because he is so good at it and I cannot eat by myself." She chuckled.

"Oh!" She smiled at me and turned away to go pick her clothes.

"Hey, Sandal?"

"Ji (yes)?"

"Can I have a kiss?" I asked, taking a step closer to her. She didn't answer me and look a little uncomfortable.

She is still too far...

"Forget I asked." I sighed, walking towards the bathroom.

"Suniye (listen)?... you forgot this?"

"What?" I turned to her and before I know it. She ran into the bathroom giving a light pack on my lips.


*Mahr: The amount to be paid by the groom to the bride at the time of marriage, some of which may be delayed according to what is agreed upon by the spouses. The mahr is for her to spend as she wishes.

Salam and hello everyone!

Big thanks to all the supporters. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter too. A new chapter of 'You are Mine' is also being updated.
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Take Care :)

And You became my DawnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon