✷ , * falls from your ceiling like an idiot *

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hi there , im ancient
but you can refer to be as rum or kry if you havent read my other book before

i have probably moved on from that book , but will try and update that one if i can , this is a new book for one of my current brain rots

i do these fanfics for the sake of my sanity and ignore the fact that i lack the experience of social communication like a loser but lets get on with these tacs

can / will do ;
. angst , fluff , any regretevator ships that you desire , as long as you are not weird at all with it .

. im fine with any au thingies as long as i am provided with more info about it so i can correctly give you something how you want it .

. i am willing to provide a bit of suggestive themes ( A LITTLE lime maybe ?? ) , like heavy kisses or other thingies perhaps

cant / wont do ;
. smut ( its for the sake of my reputation ) , heavy sexual themes , fetishization , there are some people that read this book who are not huge fans of this sort of stuff . ( you freaks probably are honestly )

. incest , as we may know the whole lampert thing of him being 'wallmark's adopted son' kind of headcanon , it is not canon ( unfortunately ) . though majority see him as a son figure to both mark and wallter including me so i will not allow any requests involving those two with lampert . many people are uncomfortable with it and so am i , plus i dont want to start any arguments or controversies for me doing it , because some of you are apparently like that .

. non-con / any thing in that category . its a weird thing to ask . it doesnt matter if they are fictional , i do not like the idea of non-con and r//pe being normalized / fantasized in my writing . its odd and i do not like it , there are probably many people who will not appreciate it either .

. pedophillia , necrophilia , etc . this is self explanatory

thats all im asking for people to do , any requests can be sent in comments ; if theres a specific theme or background youd like me to do with it , please provide me with that aswell . just have fun , and ill try my best to write them soon .

requests > open

old man yaoi

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⏰ Last updated: 12 hours ago ⏰

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