"You put efforts to live with me?" He blinks in disbelief, eyes darkening under the shade.

The tone he used was hurt and he so openly lets me see it like he trusts me enough but I care about nothing.

"So what do you think? How else can I live with you, ha? You tell me if you have any f*cking idea! Until divorce, I knew I had to live nicely but you don't like it when I'm silent!"

He replies to me with silence but I see a glimpse of his clenched jaw. He glares at me for a while and I do not back off, holding his cold gaze confidently. The white streak of light above glows over his defined jawline which flexes in discontent and he steps back to leave.

"Hey! What's your issue?" I yell behind him, breathing heavily. I feel my face burning hot.

"You're coming with me and that's final!" He declares, slamming the bathroom door behind himself.

I suck a deep breath, glaring at his back. "I am not coming with you! Do whatever the hell you want to do!" I yell loud enough to be heard by him on the other side of the door.

Doesn't matter if my lungs burn. I'm not letting him win this argument.

"I'll do anything to take you with me!" He yells back, voice deep and the tone authoritative.

"You can't force me, okay?"

"If that's how you're gonna get tamed, that's okay with me!"

"The hell you think I'm an animal so you'll tame me! You f*cking bastard! You ass*ole! I'll tell the whole damn world you're forcing me to a honeymoon!"

"I don't care!" The door booms open, his tall frame coming out of the room after he has removed his jacket and the hem of his shirt is out of his pants. A few upper buttons are undone, giving a view of his chiseled chest. "And I'm warning you, Mikayla, it was the last time you used a bad word. If you do it again—"

"Bastard! Ass*ole! Bloody—" My words die on my tongue the moment he grabs my hair in one firm grip and arches my neck enough to make me look into his stormy eyes.

The grip isn't painful but the way he looks at me surely is.

"One more profanity, Mikayla, and I'll tape your mouth, tie you to the bed, and no food for three days, got it?" He tilts his head, eyes roving down my face.

His breath falls heavily on my flushed face while mine is hitched because of his actions. This side of him is rare as well as dangerous.

I click my tongue, deciding to say a word when he beats me to it, "Uh-huh, I'm not done yet." He lets go of my hair, adding, "Pack your stuff because we're leaving soon and I'm not gonna bear more of your tantrums which you throw like a child. You were putting in the effort, right? Well now, you'll put in the effort and I'll see how you actually do it."

I grit my teeth as I listen to him bossing over me like he owns me. There's much anger within me that's bubbling up but I only say a few words, "You're forcing me."

"I asked you nicely, too."

"Either way you're giving no value to my opinion."

He closes his eyes for a brief moment, looking tired of arguing with me. He despises arguments. He raises his arm and pinches the bridge of his nose, stepping back and releasing a deep sigh.

"What's your opinion?" He mutters, getting calm like always once again. It's better. "Divorcing me? Leaving me? Disappointing everyone? Breaking ties? Hurting families?"

"I just want to leave you! Don't complicate it for me. I'm not a hero who will sacrifice everything and live like a doll as everybody wants."

"They want your well-being but you present it like they have sinned by desiring good for you."

Love Me, MikaylaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum