Life's script: Drama, Drama, Drama!

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After watching that video of Chirag Suri, Shubman and Sara hopped out of bed and freshened up. They sat down at the breakfast table. But right then, Shubman grabbed his phone and started dialing Sebastian's number.

Sara: Who are you calling? Let's have breakfast first.

Shubman: Yeah, I'm just calling Seb.

Sara: You're anyways leaving for Kolkata in a few hours. We can deal with this later, Shub. The damage is already done.

Shubman: Yes exactly!! I'm leaving in a few hours and that is why I want to deal with him right now, in your presence. We can't just brush off the drama he caused us, during such an important time.

Before Sara could say anything, Sebastian picked up the call.

Sebastian: Yeah? You saw the video?

Shubman: I saw it and I'm fuming in anger right now.

Sebastian: Leave it on me, bro!! I'll handle him.

Shubman (quickly interjects): Noo! Sara and I will talk to him. I called you just to let you know what's going on.

Sebastian: If you've made up your mind, then no one can stop you. Alright, I'm here for you if you need me.

Shubman: Yeah, I know! Thanks, man!

After hanging up, Shubman placed his phone on the table only to grab it again.

Sara: What are you up to now?

Shubman: Let me unfollow him. He needs to know how offended and upset I am.

Sara let out a sigh, realizing that the drama was far from over.

After unfollowing Chirag, Shubman and Sara finished their breakfast and settled down on the couch. They decided to call Chirag to address the situation directly. Chirag didn't keep them waiting for long as he quickly answered the call.

Chirag: Hey!!!

Shubman: What the hell, Chirag?! How could you announce our relationship without our permission? And to make matters worse, you made comments about our future kids and Sachin sir? Called him an ex-goat? He's still the greatest of all time, okay?! And he'll always be!!!

Sara (whispers): Shubman, calm down. Let's handle this calmly, okay?

Shubman: Calm down? How can I calm down when he's crossed the line like this? He needs to understand the consequences of his actions.

Chirag: Look, guys, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or invade your privacy. It was a mistake on my part, and I take full responsibility for it.

Shubman: Sorry won't cut it, Chirag! You need to understand the impact of your words. This is not something to be taken lightly.

Sara: Shub, let's give him a chance to explain himself.

Shubman: Fine, go ahead. Explain yourself. And you better come up with a good damn explanation because I'm not settling for anything less.

Chirag: I-I'm sorry, guys. It's... How do I even explain it? It was just a slip of the tongue. I didn't mean to cause any harm.

Shubman: A slip of the tongue? You announced our relationship to the entire world! And don't even get me started on your comments about Sara.

Sara (in low voice): Shubman, please...

Shubman: No, Sara! He disrespected you, your father, MY idol. And then had the audacity to make comments about our future kids? Who does that?

Chirag: Look, I know I messed up. But can't we talk about this, a little calmly?

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