11 - the powerful and the dangerous

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"To my dear student Eregia

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"To my dear student Eregia. I apologise I cannot congratulate you in person but I had organised a small gift for you. I'm positively glad to be informed that you have picked military strategy as a course in order to take my honours class that I'm sure you will find no trouble of getting into with a person of your intellegnce. I leave you with a set of chess and poker. For in order to survive in a world like ours we must understand that powerful people play chess, dangerous people play poker. You must learn to play both, in games and life."
— signing note of Egeria's birthday card from Drusilla Snow.

"— signing note of Egeria's birthday card from Drusilla Snow

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Coriolanus Snow was a changed man. He was cold, calculative and patient. When he first met Drusilla he thought she was one of those deities that the people of the old world believed in. The second time he had met her he felt like timed had stopped and she was the most beautiful woman in the room.

He played on with his her leading on with him. She knew too and participated here and there with his flirtations. She wasn't daft nor oblivious to his interest which only made him want her more.

At first there were no current competitors for Drusilla's hand in marriage. Every person in his college batch was married and started a family, her suitors from her Aunt Esmerelda as he researched were no match for him and she seemingly had no interest in anyone in the Capitol.

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