Merely the start

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On December 13, 2023, I began a relationship with Dakota Bourland, a college student at Missouri State University on the West Plains campus who is my age.

Initially, I believed he was fine and our relationship was healthy, but upon meeting Dakota Bourland in person, I felt uneasy and fortunate to be in the presence of others in case of any potential danger. As we spent more time together, it became apparent that he exhibited concerning behavior, such as frequently mentioning a girl he referred to as his "ex-girlfriend" named Emily Hayes, whom he had never actually dated. Additionally, he began pressuring me to visit him more often and even stay overnight in his dorm.

In addition, he began accusing me of cheating while I was discussing relationship issues with my friend Devin Parker, problems that I had already informed Dakota about. He also mentioned my conversations with my brother Kaden, whom I confide in when I am not feeling well. He attributed everything to his ADHD and attachment issues and tried to manipulate me by claiming that I didn't love him. He posted strange things on Facebook, accusing me of cheating or not loving him, and blamed me for making him angry and causing him to take his phone into the shower, resulting in water damage to the aux port. He then threw his phone and broke the screen. Furthermore, he continuously pressured me to stay overnight at his dorm and persistently asked for sex, despite me explaining that I needed to take birth control and did not want children at a young age.

I noticed warning signs early on, and following after Valentine's Day, I ended my relationship with Dakota because he was negatively impacting my mental well-being. After the breakup, I inquired if he wanted me to give back his old Samsung phone and hoodie along with a shirt and pin he had gifted me. He told me to keep them, and that's when our communication dwindled.

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