Bleeding out (A&F)

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"Dazai-san, you do know what happens when you fail a mission right?" Mori hid his disappointment with a smirk, then reached out his hand for a gun. 

"Yes boss." The brunet looked at him with emotionless eyes. Dazai hated pain, he hated anything that would cause him pain. 

The raven-haired looked down at the young man who was currently kneeling down, facing his head at the floor, he could've shot him through his head but decided not too. After-all, it's just a punishment, not death. Unless he bleeds to death which is unlikely. Mori quickly pulled the trigger near Dazai's cheek, before Dazai could even see that the safety was on.  He flinched to the side out of fear, then regretted his choice when he realized. 

"Tsk, look at me." grabbing the brunet by his neck which made him cough. "Don't you dare flinch again." Mori demanded switching the safety from safety to aim. Dazai nodded staring directly at the doctor and the gun. 

The moment the young Executive looked away, three bullets were shot directly at his thin arms, staining his white shirt with his own blood. He screamed in silent groaning from the pain, whilst holding his arm. 

"I hope you know first aid, get out of my office." The raven-haired added, tossing the ammo-less gun out of his hands and onto the ground. 

Dazai stood up silently, leading himself out of the room. Grabbing extra anaesthetics on the way out when Mori wasn't looking. Sliding three tabs in his mouth hoping it would speed up the pain-killing process faster than 15 minutes, he was going to go back to his home. Or what he could call his home.  He was completely unaware of Chuuya looking for him.

Once at his shipping container he didn't have the strength to close the door behind him, his muscles felt weak and paralyzed. He was also heating up, which was highly unusual considering the fact he would always say he's cold blooded. Maybe it's just a fever he thought. Might as well bleed out and finally die, he sighed then closing his eyes for a couple seconds before hearing a loud metal screech. 

"Oi, is a waste of bandages living in this shit." A red hair popped his head in the current container that Dazai was currently in. Quickly blasting in and noticing the bleeding Executive. "What the fuck are you doing?" He shouted out before looking around for a nearby first aid. 

Chuuya, Dazai's partner in the Port Mafia was known for his hefty ability that would leave their enemies pleading for mercy. To Dazai, he could care less about that short orange dog. The brunet had no idea how Chuuya found him, then realizing Hirotsu-san probably told him. He let out a faint sigh staring at the blood which was still sticking to his arms. 

"How long have you been bleeding." Chuuya asked with a worried expression on his face, untangling the bandages which were all wrapped up perfectly. 

"18 minutes.." The brunet muttered under his breath, frowning at the fact he swallowed all the pills already. Not only did they kick in faster, they were disappearing just as quick. 

The ginger grabbed the executive's arm and began pulling up his sleeve. He noticed that the wounds had multiple dried blood, it would have been better to disinfect it then wrapping it around with bandages. Dazai's eyes looked dead, with a tint of annoyed hidden underneath them. Chuuya could see all the scars he used to have, his arm was basically an entire battlefield itself, tons of cuts, bruises and more. When the ginger pulled out the wipes to disinfect the area he noticed Dazai was holding in tears. 

"Fuck, the anaesthetics are almost all worn out.." was what he would've said, instead he groaned and let out a painful whimper. It hurts. 

"Just cry if you need too, I won't laugh at you.." Chuuya reassured adding a sweet smile, trying his best to gently wipe away the blood. Then the ginger looked up to see Dazai's face. 

A tear was seen slowly dripping onto his coat, one by one another fell. Each droplet fell onto a different surface until they all started to fall on the new bandages that Chuuya was wrapping around his arm. The tears were small, but in reality it really seemed like a waterfall. A big deal to Chuuya because he knew that Dazai wouldn't cry if he knew that the person would report back to Mori and could have him end up with more than three bullets through his arm. 

"It would be best if you laid down and tried to sleep. You've been skipping it lately, your performance has been slower than regular. And don't act like you don't have a Fever." the older one noted, putting down the brunette's sleeve down.  

"You're. acting like.. a-a. dog." The now crying Executive stated with pauses between words so he could cry, he smiled in a teasing way. 

"Whatever, you always act like a cat. Go to sleep." Chuuya gestured as he used a paper towel to wipe away the tears then gave it to Dazai, so he could hold it and use it for later.

"Are you. going to leave.. me.?" A sniffle could be heard throughout the entire metal room. Dazai obviously didn't want to be alone in the current situation, he acted too much like a child it was scary for his own sake. 

"I'll stay, don't worry about me." The ginger smiled at the same Executive known for not having any weakness. He started to begin wondering what happened in the first place. 

The brunette's messy hair hit the mattress on the bed and closed his eyes, he was able to sleep in peace with Chuuya with him. 

"Goodnight." They both said. Chuuya puts his head on the head rest and then drifts away to sleep while with his partner, his best-friend, his lover. .

(Happy Early Birthday to Chuuya, I don't know if I could complete another 5K written Chapter by next Monday)

 Name: Mori Issues, by Wonderland

(994 words)

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