The Motive

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" This was supposed to be a 'Classified' Summit, between Fuso and Karlsland.", said 

Galland. " But, Welheim was killed, before the Summit happened.", said Sakamoto.

The screen 'split' and ..., " Heinrike.", said Sakamoto. " I know, you have not a 'reason' to

trust or work with me, or KSF. My Agency, found a 'mole', from a Yakuza Crime Family,

in Fuso. I'm not saying there is a 'connection' but...,"  A 'third' appeared. 

" Highness.", said Sakamoto. " I am not here, to interfere with your 'case'. But, I'm sending

a member of, Karlsland Office, I trust.", said the Fuso Princess. They heard stepping in,..,

" The Princess called me in." " Barkhorn.", said Sakamoto. 

NCIS FUSO, The HitUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum