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Perinne Clostermann, in a silken, long sleeved light dress, matching colored stockings and Pink 

flat shoes, was driving the roads of Yokosuka. ' Lt.Cmdr. Saka - moto. Lt.Cmdr. Saka - moto.' , she

sang in her head. She spotted a car, on the side of the road. She stopped, got out, peered into

the driver's side glass to.., She sees a bullet hole, and 'blood' from the man's neck. 

She got her cell phone. 

NCIS secured the scene. " I found the other car, at the side of the road, peeked in, seen 

the 'body', bullethole, called it in.", said Perinne. " Sakamoto, you not 'like' this, our victim is,

Joel Welheim, Karlsland Military Financial Committee.", said Koito. " Crap.", said Sakamoto. 

Office, Dia's Office

" BU BU DESHUUA! The 'victim' may not be of out country, but the implications..,"

" It is, understood, Director.", said Sakamoto. 

Crime Scene

" Photoed a 'thinner' tire track.", said Hinawari. " Could had been a motorcycle. Ride past 

Welheim, pull to the front, pull out gun..,", said Koito. " Big 'possible'. Could be any number of, 

political 'radical groups', who did not want Welheim on Fuso soil.", said Lynette. 

" Now we got to 'figure' out, the 'who' and 'why'?", asked and said Rossmann.

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