So instead of trying to move Y/n out of way or force him to let them have a turn, they decided to play nice with him and CatNap allowed them to rub his tummy as long as they treat Y/n nicely, which they did, and they all laughed at CatNap's constant meowing from how good the belly rubbing really feels.

Eventually, the kids soon acted friendly towards Y/n, which is a start for them to be actual friends with Y/n as they all began playing with CatNap by playing jump rope with his tail, dancing to some music, etc. until it was time for everyone to go to bed, which made everyone groan in dissatisfaction that they had to go to bed so soon, but CatNap has a special ability to make sure that the kids will go to sleep instantly and will all feel energized by the morning to play with CatNap all day.

So, all of the kids went to their dorm rooms, but CatNap stopped Y/n as he wanted him to wait for a moment until he comes back.

Y/n: What is it, CatNap? Do you want me to wait here for a moment?

CatNap nodded in agreement.

Y/n: Ok. I'll wait here for a moment.

So, CatNap went into the dorm rooms where all the kids are getting ready for bed until they all got in their beds for CatNap to unleash his special ability...

The Poppy Gas!

CatNap can release the sleeping gas from his mouth for the kids to go to sleep and head into Dreamland as every one of the children soon went out like a candle and slept peacefully in their beds. Then, once every kid in the dorm rooms is fast asleep, CatNap quietly went back to Y/n as he plans to take Y/n to his own room made just for him instead of sleeping with the other kids so he can sleep with him to protect him while he sleeps.

As CatNap went back to Y/n, who was waiting patiently for CatNap to return slowly walked up to Y/n before he notices CatNap approaching him.

Y/n: Oh? You're back already, buddy.

CatNap purred in response, making Y/n giggle from that reply as he got up from the chair he was sitting on and is about to go to the dorm rooms to sleep with the other kids until CatNap stopped him by blocking the doorway to the dorm rooms.

Y/n: CatNap. Can you please let me through? I need to get to bed with the other kids before I can get in big trouble.

CatNap shook his head as he continued to block Y/n from getting in until he grabbed onto the back of Y/n's shirt with his mouth, even though the cat had this permanent smile he could still close his mouth as he picked Y/n up and carried back to his own room like Y/n was part of a litter of kittens as Y/n got to see what CatNap's room looks like as the purple feline brought Y/n over to a comically large purple cat bed and after he gently placed him on the cat bed, Y/n tried to get off the cat bed until CatNap stopped him with his tail as he brought him to his chest and wrapped his arms around him to keep him close to him for warmth, filling Y/n's lungs with the scent of lavender that is somehow slowly relaxing Y/n, making him feel a little sleepy, even though he felt a bit uncomfortable sleeping with CatNap in his own bedroom.

Y/n: CatNap, buddy, can you please....

CatNap began purring when Y/n suddenly called him, "Buddy" and he always purred when Y/n called CatNap, "Buddy". Then Y/n remembered that he always called Theodore, "Buddy", it made Y/n very sad knowing he isn't around anymore. Theodore would've liked to meet CatNap as well if he was still around since he liked cats, the starry night sky and of course, the note.

Then CatNap suddenly went silent and Y/n looked at him with a raised eyebrow as he is confused to what's on his mind.

Then suddenly, Y/n saw little particles of the red gas that started seeping out of his gaping maw making Y/n's eyes widen of what CatNap is going to do to him.

Y/n: Hey, CatNap! Buddy! Uh, I don't think you're allowed to do that!

He said and tried to back away, but he couldn't CatNap slowly brought his face close to Y/n's and he slowly, but gently rubbed his head to comfort him before he is going to put Y/n to sleep, so he can protect him and keep him safe from anyone that will try to take him away while they sleep in the cozy cat themed bedroom.

Y/n: N-no wait! Please don't do it! Please!

Y/n began shaking in fear despite of CatNap trying his best to comfort him, telling him that there's nothing to worry about as Y/n stared into the deep, dark abyss that was CatNap's mouth as he spewed out the red gas onto Y/n's face with a small cloud of the Poppy Gas and Y/n soon started to feel really tired with his body completely numb as Y/n began to close his eyes and pass out.

Y/n: (Sleepy)

His body felt heavy and hard to move and he went to sleep with CatNap, feeling satisfied that he put his little "kitten" to sleep as cuddled up to Y/n, kissed him on the forehead and decided to go to sleep too, gently placing his head on Y/n's with him sleeping on CatNap's chest that feels soft and fluffy like a cloud with the purple cat purring happily while sleeping as he and Y/n are about to go into Dreamland, where they're gonna be playing with some real friends, who will loved to play with Y/n once CatNap introduces Y/n to them.

Then suddenly, while the two of them are sleeping peacefully, the Prototype quietly turned off the lights, placed a fluffy blanket on top of them to keep them warm and switched on the humidifier filled with lavender scent to help them sleep better tonight as he will make sure to not let anyone ruin their sleep tonight as he will be their guardian angel as his plan to bring out the Hour of Joy is upon them and he has an idea of how to keep Y/n alive and young as retracted back into the vent to let the two of them sleep in peace.



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