Chapter Five

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In case you haven't noticed I did change the title to this story.

Let me know if you like the new title.

Now here's the next chapter.

Thursday March 9, 2023

2:30 pm

Erik was relaxing in his apartment. He was still having vivid memories of his debut match with Grayson.

It was really exhilarating. But he knew it wasn't perfect. There were a few things in that match that could've gone better.

He decided to take a couple of days off to rest his body.

He was watching TV when his phone rang.

He picked it up, and and smiled when he saw it was Lyra.

Erik: Hey you!

Lyra: Hey you!

They both giggled. He couldn't get enough of that cute accent.

Erik: So how are you doing?

Lyra: I'm doing great! Thank you for asking.

Erik: You're welcome.

Lyra: Are you doing anything tonight?

Erik: No. Why do you ask?

Lyra: I was wondering if you want to come over and maybe watch a movie with me.

Erik: Really? Ok. Sure.

Lyra: Great!

Erik: I'll come over at around 7.

Lyra: Ok. I'll see you later tonight.

Erik: Okay. Bye.

Lyra: Bye.

Erik sat there a bit surprised. He was a bit nervous.

But he calmed himself down.

They're just hanging out watching a movie. That's it.


Lyra was extremely excited, but also a little nervous.

She looked at her movie shelf to see what they could watch, but she didn't have a lot of movies. Her shelf was mainly filled with documentaries and shows he probably wouldn't be interested in.

She then called Carla.

Carla: Hey Lyra!

Lyra: Hi Carla. Listen. I need your help with something.

Carla: What is it?

Lyra: Do you know any good movies to watch?

Carla: Why? What's going on?

Lyra: I invited Erik over to watch a movie with me tonight. And he said yes.

Carla: Really? Oh you go girl!

Lyra: Yes. Except I don't have anything he might like.

Carla: I might have something he'd be interested in watching.

Lyra: Really?

Carla: Yeah. I'll come over soon and I'll give it to you.

Lyra: Okay. See you.

Carla came over a half hour later.

Lyra: Hey!

Carla: Hey! I got something for you two to watch.

Lyra: Really? What is it?

Carla gave her the DVD.

Lyra looked at it. Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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