Chapter Two

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There is the second chapter.

January 30, 2023

1:00 pm

Erik had just arrived at the Performance Center to meet with Paul Levesque (Triple H).

He knocked on his door.

Paul: Who is it?

Erik: It's Erik Hunter.

Paul: Come in!

Erik walked into Paul's office.

Paul: Have a seat.

Erik took a seat.

Paul: So you're wondering why I asked you to come in here.

Erik: Yeah.

Paul: Well I just want to say that you showed some potential in the Royal Rumble match. But I think you need more time working on some of your moves. And you need to work on establishing your character a bit.

Erik: Okay.

Paul: We think it'd best if you trained here in the Performance Center for a bit. And once we feel you're ready, we'll have you on the NXT brand.

Erik: I completely understand sir.

Paul: Hey. Don't get too down. We just don't want to make the mistake of throwing you out on the spotlight before you're ready.

Erik: No. I'm fine. I don't mind waiting and improving my ring work for a bit.

Paul: That's good.

Erik: I'm willing to start training tomorrow if you like.

Paul: That sounds good.

Paul then handed Erik the contract. After reading it thoroughly, he signed it.

Paul: Okay. Welcome to the WWE.

Erik: Thank you.

Paul: I need to get back to work. I'll see you tomorrow.

Erik: You got it sir.

Erik left Paul's office. But he had only taken a few steps when he bumped into someone.

Erik and ???: Oh sorry!

It was a female voice he heard.

It took a moment for Erik to realize who the woman was.

It was none other than Lyra Valkyria.

He's seen her on NXT UK before that brand went defunct.

Lyra was surprised to see the man known as Erick Frost.

Erik: Hi. My name is Erik.

She gave him a heartwarming smile.

Lyra: I know who you are.

Erik was a bit surprised and confused.

Erik: You do?

Lyra: Yeah. You're Erick Frost. I watched you a lot on TNA. I'm kind of a fan of yours.

Erik: Really?

Lyra: Yeah. I was really overjoyed when you finally won the TNA World title for the first time.

He gave her a small smile.

Erik: That's cool.

Lyra: And I was really surprised when I saw you in the Royal Rumble match. And I really liked what I saw.

Hearing that accent is making his heart flutter.

Erik: Wow. I had no idea you're a big fan of mine. Cuz I'm a kind of a fan of yours.

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