Chapter One

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Shout-out to LifeBlood93, AlexJohnson539 and Socialparasite21 for the votes.

January 28, 2023

AlamoDome, San Antonio, Texas

2023 Men's Royal Rumble Match

Entrant # 7

Michael Cole: Let's see who's entering the Rumble next.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Michael Cole: WHAT??? Can it be???

Pat McAfee: It is Michael! It's Erick Frost!

The crowd erupted as soon as Erick came out from behind the curtain.

Pat McAfee: The 4 time TNA Impact World Champion has arrived in WWE!

Michael Cole: He's also a 2 time X Division champion.

On the outside Erick had an intense look on his face, but on the inside he had jitters. He's never stood out in front of tens of thousands of fans.

But he was able to keep his composer as he strolled towards the ring.

He immediately went after Jinder Mahal. After exchanging a few shots Erick sent Jinder over the top rope.

Michael Cole: Erick Eliminates Jinder!

40 minutes later.

Near the end of the match.

Final Six: Erick Frost, Cody Rhodes, Gunther, Brock Lesnar, Ricochet, and Drew McIntyre.

Pat: Can't believe Erick is still in the match. And he's eliminated three superstars.

The other two he eliminated were Chad Gable and Santos Escobar.

Michael Cole: Erick has Brock in the corner. Hitting a couple of upper cuts.

Erick backs up, looks to hit a jumping clothesline. Unfortunately for him, he fell for Brock's trap.

Michael Cole: Oh! Brock caught him! He has Erick on his shoulders!

Try as he might, he couldn't break free.

Michael Cole: Brock hits an F5! And Erick has been eliminated!

After he recovered from that F5, he sat there in disbelief.

5 minutes later.

The moment Erik made it to Gorilla position he is greeted by Shawn Michaels.

Shawn: Hey. You did pretty good kid.

Erik: Thanks. That means a lot coming from you.

Shawn: Your moves still need some work. And you need to work on your character a bit.

Erik: Okay.

Shawn: Come over to the Performance Center on Monday morning.

Erik: You got it sir.

One hour later.

Erik had just gotten back to his hotel room.

He took out his phone and saw he got a text from his friend Bobby Green from 45 minutes ago.

Bobby: Hey bro! You looked really good in the Royal Rumble!

Erik: Hey Bobby! Just got your text. Glad you and Claire (A/N his girlfriend) got to watch the event.

Bobby: So how was it when you went out there?

Erik: It was surreal. Never been in front of that large of a crowd before.

Bobby: They went nuts the moment your theme played.

They chatted a little more before saying goodbye to each other.

After putting his phone away he went and showered, then went to bed.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

The next chapter will have Erik meet Lyra for the first time.

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