Chapter Three

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Any who, onto the next chapter.

January 31, 2023

12:00 pm

Performance Center

?: Hey! Erik Hunter right?

Erik: Yes sir.

?: I'm Scott Free. Paul assigned me to be your trainer.

Scott and Erik shook hands.

Erik: Great. I'm ready to get started.

Scott: Good. We're going to do some moves. See what you need to work on.

Erik: You got it sir.

Twenty minutes later

Lyra and Carla arrived at the PC. Brianna was currently with her boyfriend Bronson Rechsteiner (Bron Breakker).

As they walked they noticed Erik in the ring with Scott. Erik had Scott in a headlock.

Lyra couldn't help but a smile.

As Erik had Scott in a headlock he saw Lyra with her friend Carla. He noticed she had a little smile on her face.

He couldn't help but smirk.

Scott: Okay. We're going to run the ropes.

Erik snapped out of it and regained his focus.

Erik: Got it.

Scott got up while still in the headlock.

He leaned Erik towards the ropes.

Then he pushed him to the other side.

Erik bounced off the ropes and did a standing shoulder tackle and knocked Scott to the ground.

He ran towards the ropes on his right side.

Scott immediately turned onto his stomach as Erik leaped over him.

Then Erik ran and bounced off the ropes and Scott did a leapfrog.

Erik made sure to duck. Then Scott did another leapfrog, but Erik caught him, and performed a regular spinebuster.

He helped Scott back up.

Erik: How was that?

Scott: Pretty good. You caught me off guard with the spinebuster.

Erik then looked outside the ring and saw both Lyra and Carla clapping.

He smiled and gave them both a little wave.

Scott noticed what was going on.

Scott: Why don't we take a break?

Erik: Sure. Thanks. See you in a bit.

Erik got out of the ring and greeted the two ladies

Erik: Hey Lyra.

Lyra smiled brightly, blushing a bit.

Lyra: Hey Erik.

Erik: I'd shake your hand, but I don't want to get sweat on your hand.

Lyra: Thanks. Oh and this is my friend Carla.

Erik: Yeah. You're Roxanne Perez, right?

Carla simply put her hands behind her back, and smiled.

Carla: Yep. That's me.

Erik: Congrats on winning the NXT Women's title.

Carla had a surprised look on her face.

Carla: You saw my title match with Mandy Rose?

Erik: Yeah. You and Mandy put on a banger. And Booker T went nuts when you won.

Carla: Yeah. It was amazing to finally win the title. Though I wish it were under different circumstances.

Carla's mood went down the moment she said that last sentence.

Erik and Lyra knew what she was referring to.

Carla: When they told me I was going to beat Amanda (Mandy) for the title, I just assumed she was going to get called back up to the main roster. But then the next morning, a little over 12 hours after winning the title WWE released Mandy because she was making money online with her "explicit content".

Erik: Yeah. Mandy got screwed.

Lyra: Yeah. That's so sad.

All three chatted for a bit more.

Carla: So are you going to be performing on NXT?

Erik: Yeah. Don't know when I'll be making my debut. Till then I'll keep training so I can be prepared.

Carla: Well whenever you do debut I'll be rooting for you. She'll definitely be rooting for you to win. She cheers nonstop for you every time she see you on the tv.

Carla jabbed her thumb towards Lyra, who had her head down, feeling a little embarrassed.

Erik: Doesn't surprise me too much. I've heard a lot of people say that. But I appreciate it nonetheless.

Scott: Hey Erik! Get your butt back in the ring!

Erik: Well ladies. I need to get back to work.

Lyra: Okay. Well we really need to get going anyways.

Carla: It was nice to meet you Erik.

Erik: Same with you Carla. I'll see you later Lyra.

Lyra smiled again.

Lyra: Yeah. See you.

Both Lyra and Carla left the PC.

Lyra: Did you really have to embarrass me that???

Carla: Hey. You're the one that's been fan girling over him the past few years. And besides I didn't hear him complaining. He seems to like the attention. Plus the way he was looking at you he might be into you.

Lyra: You really think he's into me?

Carla: Yes I do.

Lyra: Even if that were a tiny bit true, like I told you and Brianna I don't want to rush things with him.

Carla: You do what's best for you. We'll always have your back.

Lyra: Thank you Carla.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Next chapter will be the NXT debut of Erick Frost.

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