« Umbridge Strikes Back »

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"We'd better get changed." Hermione said, snapping me out of my trance in my book. 

I whipped out my robes and took off my sweater, then put my robes on. I stretched my back and heard a satisfying crack in my back, and I sighed in relief. The robes were surprisingly comfortable. 

I looked out the window and saw the gloomy clouds, and smiled at it. I saw Ron next to me looking how good his badge looked in the window. 

The train slowed down and I went out of the carriage, suddenly realizing I needed to hunt as soon as possible. 

Ron and Hermione went after me, they had to supervise everything. I took Crookshanks while Harry took Hedwig, his owl, and Luna took Pigwidgeon. I ruffled Crookshanks' fur and carried him to the platform. 

I heard a woman's voice say, "First years this way!" 

Harry looked at me and Ginny and asked, "Where's Hagrid?" 

"I don't know," Ginny said. 

"We are blocking the door." I said, pointing. 

We rushed into a stagecoach and both me and Harry saw something that looked like horses, yet in a way they looked like reptiles. Their wings were leathery and black, just like the rest of their skinny bodies. 

I exchanged a look with Harry and it seems like he could see them too. It was a look of terror that he could see these things. "I have to go." I said. "I'll meet you at the castle." 

He nodded and took the stuff out of my hands. I went out and waited until they were gone until I bolted into the forest. 

It took me a while but I found a doe and stag and ate them all. Then I ran into the huge castle and it took me a while but I found the big brass doors and burst in. 

Everyone was eating now, and all of their eyes were on me. I quietly ran up to the staff table and crept up to Professor Dumbledore, which's name was still extremely familiar, and whispered in his ear. "I'm so sorry, I really had to hunt. I did it as fast as I could. If I hadn't, I would have bitten one of these students." 

"Don't worry, and I am glad that you took care of it before you entered the great hall," Dumbledore whispered back. "Now, if you don't mind, could you stand over there and wait for everyone to finish eating to Sort you." 

"Sort me?" I said, raising an eyebrow. 

"You'll see." He said with a wink of his blue eyes. 

I smiled at him and sulked over to the corner. 

I scanned the staring crowd and finally located those emerald green eyes I was looking for. I smiled and waved and waved to the rest of the Weasley family, plus Hermione. 

A tiny wizard who looks like a small old man with grey hair came up to me. 

"Hello," he said in a squeaky voice. "I am professor Flitwick, and I am looking forward to teaching you. I have never taught a," he stopped then lowered his voice. "vampire." 

"The pleasure is mine, I am so excited to learn from you." I said, politely. 

He waddled back to the staff table where he sat on a pillow. I saw Professor McGonagall walk briskly out of the Great Hall and after a short time, she came back with a wilted old hat and an even older stool. I raised an eyebrow but didn't question anything. 

I waited for about 20 minutes until everyone finished eating and Dumbledore stood up. 

"Now that we are all fed from our amazing feast, there are some notices to point out before we all turn into bed. We have a new student here today, Olivia Cullen. She wasn't here for the first sorting because of personal reasons." Dumbledore said, which started some whispers.

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