Being Homeless

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                                                                            Chapter 1

I opened my eyes slowly, drinking in the misty air of another typical day. I was under a bridge, cardboard around me kept some of the chill of the night off. I pushed it aside. Another homeless guy sat on his bed, smoking a roll up. I did the same, rolling one to a tube then licking the end to seal it. I shouldn't smoke so much, not because it's unhealthy but because it's an expensive habit to continue. I didn't have much tobacco left in my pouch. Maybe I'll make enough to buy another pack. I lit my fag. Then I again rummaged in my carrier bag for the last of my chocolate digestives. I ate all 4 slowly, I finished my fag before I finished them. I had some water left too. I drank that. I kept the bottle. I'll be able to fill it in the shopping centre. The other guy had left now so I was on my own.

I have been homeless for 18 months now. The winters are the worst. You can't get warm no matter what you do. You wear lots of layers and that helps. Having a woolly hat helps some. I pull it down over my ears. It was Spring now or so it should be. The nights were chilly. I made some friends in the same boat. Charlie, Sam, Jenny, Steven and Harry. But I haven't seen them for a while. They go to other towns, hitching a lift if they can. Getting a bus if they can afford it. I'd better get up. Got to get to my begging spot. I have a good spot in a doorway of an empty shop. I had no idea what time it was as I didn't have a watch. But it was early, I sensed that.

My route took me through the shopping centre where I could fill my bottle. I walked on to my spot. I passed a couple of homeless guys begging. They didn't ask me for money. We get to know another homeless person when we see one. I have known a few guys who aren't homeless but pretend to be. We call them bastards. They go home at the end of the day. Some of them drive cars. I have also known some homeless who go through bins for anything to use of sell. I don't do that. I come to my spot then go back to where I sleep for the night. And I've known homeless people who are crackheads, junkies, addicts who beg to feed their addiction. Sad no hopers who all too often die an early death. I felt sorry for them but they weren't nice people.

I sat down and put my hat on the step. Someone immediately dropped a 50p coin in it. "Thanks!" I said. The rest of the day didn't earn much. I can buy another pack of chocolate biscuits. Cheapest place to get them was a pound shop. The town hall clock banged out the hours. It got to 12, then 1, then 2. I stood up. I'll go and get my biscuits. I've got enough to buy some chocolate too. 

I had some biscuits sat back on my step. But the first thing I do is place my hat on the lower step. I don't bother asking anyone for money like some of us do. I just accept whatever I get. I don't usually have a roll up in view of the public, it does seem to put out the wrong impression. But I rolled one anyway. It had started to rain. Typical, although where I am sat I don't catch any drips. Rollups don't last long. I sat and wasted away the day. I couldn't get a job, because to get one you have to have an address. Same goes for benefit. So I'm out of the loop, the system. And little prospect of climbing up off the cold street floor. I think there are charities who help the homeless but not in this town. 

                                                                                    Chapter 2

Soon it was late afternoon, the donations were getting sparse. I waited until it was beginning to get dark before moving. I went back to the bridge. The other bloke was already there. I gathered up some cardboard to sit on, and some to put over me. I wouldn't sleep for a while. I lay still and thought about nothing at all really. Eventually I dropped off. But I woke in the night as I usually do. I had forgotten I bought a chocolate bar so I reached into my pocket to find it. A little bit of luxury.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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