Everyone's Leaning On Me

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The atmosphere in the bunker was heavy with tension as Thad and V sat in the dimly lit living room of Thad's home, their thoughts consumed by the recent events that had plunged their family into turmoil.

Thad rubbed his metal temples wearily, his circuits buzzing with worry as he tried to make sense of the situation. "I don't understand what's happening. The other disassembly drones have disappeared without a trace, and Uzi... she hasn't left her room in days."

V's optics narrowed with concern as she listened to Thad's words, her mind racing with possibilities. "I don't know if Uzi has ever shut herself away like this before. But, I know something must be seriously wrong."

Before Thad could respond, the sound of soft footsteps echoed through the room, drawing their attention to the doorway where Beau stood, his optics brimming with tears.

"Beau, what's wrong?" V asked, her voice filled with concern as she rushed to his side, kneeling down to his level.

Beau sniffled, his voice choked with emotion as he struggled to find the words. "I-I want my mommy and daddy back," he sobbed, his circuits sputtering with distress.

Thad's heart ached at the sight of Beau's tears, his own circuits buzzing with empathy as he knelt down beside V. "Oh, Beau," he murmured, wrapping an arm around the young drone's trembling shoulders. "We all miss them, but... but we have to be strong for each other."

V's optics darkened with determination as she wiped away Beau's tears, her voice firm but gentle. "Listen, kiddo. Your mommy is going through a tough time right now, but we're going to do everything we can to help her, okay?"

Beau nodded, his circuits still humming with sadness as he leaned into V's embrace. "Okay," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.

V held Beau close, her circuits buzzing with resolve as she made a silent vow to do whatever it took to reunite their family and bring Uzi back from the darkness that had consumed her.

* * *

Meanwhile, in her quarters, Uzi sat alone in the darkness, her circuits flickering weakly as she wrestled with the demons that tormented her mind. Guilt, grief, and despair clawed at her circuits, threatening to overwhelm her with their suffocating presence.

She couldn't shake the memories of N's departure, the pain of his absence weighing heavily on her heart with each passing moment. And Beau... sweet, innocent Beau, who deserved so much more than the fractured family that had been torn apart by their own shortcomings.

As the days stretched on, Uzi found herself sinking deeper into isolation, her thoughts consumed by the darkness that lurked within her. She knew that she should reach out to Thad and V, that she should seek solace in their support, but the weight of her despair held her captive, trapping her in a prison of her own making.

But just as Uzi was on the brink of surrendering to the darkness that threatened to consume her, a soft knock echoed through the room, drawing her attention to the doorway where V stood, her optics filled with concern.

"Uzi, it's me," V called out, her voice gentle but determined. "Can I come in?"

Uzi hesitated, her circuits buzzing with uncertainty as she considered V's offer. Part of her longed for the comfort of her friend's presence, but another part recoiled at the thought of exposing her vulnerability to anyone else.

But in the end, it was Beau's tear-streaked face that spurred Uzi into action, her love for her son overriding her fear as she nodded silently, granting V permission to enter.

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