42 - I Died On The Altar

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Steph's eyes widen in shock, her hand flying to her mouth in horror. There is no judgment in her eyes, just raw, unadulterated shock. The memory of that day is a chilling fog, fragmented but terrifying—the icy water closing in, the desperate struggle for air, the blurry image of a hand reaching down just in time. It's a fragmented recollection, a puzzle with missing pieces, but the terror of it all feels as real as ever. "Sena, I'm so sorry. Gosh, I'm so sorry." I let her pull me in her arms, hugging me close so that I don't break anymore. So that the shattered pieces of my reality don't completely fall apart. 

Hours pass and I'm lying on my bed, face buried against one of my pillows while Steph rearranges my schedule. I'm no longer going to Japan, no longer going anywhere that requires a significant investment of time or emotion for a while. Right now, I need to focus on myself and piece together the remnants of whatever semblance of normalcy I once clung to. Steph understands. With a sympathetic sigh, she closes my laptop. "This is a lot to process. There's no rush. Take your time, Sena. We'll figure this out together."

The future I meticulously planned—the one filled with bustling Tokyo streets and steaming bowls of ramen—feels like a distant dream. Right now, all I crave is the familiar comfort of my own bed. I'll stop CPR, after all, it's no use. 

"I'll go out to get some groceries," She says and I nod, pulling the blanket tighter around myself. "Taeho will be here in no time. He'll stay with you until I come back, okay? Text me if you need anything." The mention of Taeho warms my heart. It's been a while since I last saw him and his presence could make things better. I smile at her and nod, making her give me a reassuring wink. 

Once she's outside, the silence settles and I drift off into a restless sleep. I wake with a start, disoriented and drenched in sweat. The events of the night come flooding back, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. The house is quiet, Steph must still be out. But when I make my way to the living room, I find Taeho sitting on the couch, his eyes lightening up when he spots me. "Sena," He calls my name and I open my arms, letting him pull me into a tight embrace. The familiar warmth of his hug is a welcome comfort and I simply cling to him, letting him hold me. "Gosh, I missed you." 

"I missed you too," I mumble, smiling at him when we pull away. My heart warms up at the way his eyes are similar to Steph's, at how his smile is as infectious as ever. Sometimes, I envy Steph for having such an amazing brother. But then again, she's an amazing sister too, and sometimes I wonder how life would be if I were their sister. If the world was a little less daunting and a little less confusing. Instead, I'm stuck in the middle of this emotional earthquake, unsure of who I am or where I belong. I watch as he rubs the back of his neck and chuckles awkwardly when his phone starts ringing. "Oh? Is it him?"

"My situationship. I'm fucked." He says with a wry grin, reaching for his phone. "He's so hot I can't even be mad at him for ghosting me last night." Taeho's laughter fills the room as he answers the call, making me shake my head in disbelief. As he talks on the phone, I head to the kitchen to make him some coffee. The familiar routine of scooping grounds and pouring hot water is a small comfort in the chaos of my life. Grabbing two mugs, I return to the living room, finding Taeho sprawled on the couch with a sheepish grin. "Apparently, my scorching good looks were too much for him to handle."

I roll my eyes, placing a steaming mug on the coffee table in front of him. "Sure, blame it on your irresistible looks." The lightness of the interaction feels foreign after the emotional rollercoaster I've been on, but it is strangely comforting. "I'll get my laptop and come back," I say, heading to my room to retrieve my laptop when someone knocks on the door and I realize it's Steph. When I find my laptop sitting on my desk with the schedule closed and a note beside it, a small smile graces my lips. The note reads: Took care of everything. Rest. We'll talk later. Love, Steph. I grab it and head back to the living room to find Taeho standing at the door. 

"Taeho? Who's at the door?" I place it on the table next to the two mugs and approach him, my hand instinctively resting against his arm while I peek around him to see who's there. My heart skips a beat when I see Heeseung standing in the doorway, his face etched with worry and desperation. He looks between Taeho and me, unable to form words. I never thought the sight of Heeseung could ever make me flinch. But there he was, standing awkwardly on my doorstep with a look of something else I couldn't decipher and longing twists in my gut. 

"Sena," He manages finally, his voice hoarse. Relief and something else, a flicker of possessiveness maybe, cloud his features for a fleeting moment. 

"Should I leave you guys—" Taeho mutters but I interrupt him, my eyes locked with Heeseung's.

"No," I forced a tight smile, the words scraping against my throat like sandpaper. "I have nothing to say to him. We're done." This last part slips out and the hurt that flashes in Heeseung's eyes is enough to shatter my heart, but it's not enough to make me take back my words. He's about to say something but the words die on his lips when I force the door closed and stand against it, watching as Taeho frowns and blinks in confusion. My lips quiver. "Don't ask me about him. I'm about to break down." Running my fingers through my hair, I sink to the floor, my back against the door, my breaths coming in shallow, ragged gasps.

He swore he loved me but where are the clues? I died on the altar waiting for the proof. 

✓ UNLIKELY MATCH | HEESEUNGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora