Chapter 1 - The move

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Gwendolyn sits there, staring at a small picture frame before setting the frame on top of a suitcase of stuff and zipping up the suitcase. She slowly runs her hand over the small bumps and creases of the light purple suitcase before hearing a knock on the door.
She turns around to see her mother standing there with a soft smile on her face.
"Gwenie?" Her mother says softly "Are you sure you want to do this...?"
"Yea mom...I want to...I need to go. Boston isn't my home...not anymore." Gwen smiles softly as she looks at her mother, its the truth. Austin, Texas, never did feel like home. Gwen had grown up in Forks, after her father's death she moved to Austin with her mother, who soon remarried. She never liked the guy that much, as she always felt like her father was just being replaced, and far too fast. She was only 7 when her father passed, so she never remembered much of it.

 " have Evan...he'll take care of you mom. Don't worry...Forks is whats best for least for now..." 

She ties her long blonde hair into a high messy bun before hearing a knock on the door. She grabs her suitcase and walks downstairs and outside, her mother following shortly after. She steps into the car and smiles at her mom. "I'll be back to visit soon." She says with a smile before shutting the car door.

After a long several flights she arrived at the airport, where her aunt Rachel had been waiting with a sign for her.
"Aunt Jess!" Gwen rushes over to her aunt and hugs her.
"Hey Gwenie." Jess said. Jess had brown hair that was always cut into a bun, as opposed to Gwen who has long wavy blonde hair. "So, I already enrolled you at Forks high!" Jess says cheerfully "We should get to the's a long drive!" 

Gwen smiles and nods while grabbing her bags and walking out to the car. The car is a small black jeep, one Gwen recognized almost immediately from her childhood.
As they drive Gwen sees many familiar sights, till she sees it. Her aunts 2 story Victorian style house. Gwen always found it strange why this house was here. It stood out from every other house nearby, but for now she just shrugged it off. 

As gwen steps out of the jeep she walks up to the porch, Jess follows and unlocks it. 
"Your room is upstairs to the right." Jess says with a smile. Gwen nods and carries her bag up to the room. She stares at the room with awe. The room is basically a circle, in the top tower of the house. The walls are a soft green with a brown wood trim around the walls. Her bed set the opposite from the door, right under a window. She goes and sets her bags down and practically falls on the bed with a loud sigh. She lays there and takes out one of her favorite books and starts reading. About 2 hours later she hears her aunt yelling for her to come down for dinner.

As Gwen reluctantly tore herself away from her book and made her way downstairs for dinner, she couldn't shake off the feeling of excitement mingled with apprehension. Forks had always held a special place in her heart, but returning after so many years felt like stepping into a new chapter of her life.

The savory aroma of her aunt's cooking greeted her as she entered the dining room, and Gwen's stomach rumbled in anticipation. She took her seat at the table, her aunt joining her with a warm smile.

"You look lost in thought, Gwenie," her aunt remarked, pouring her a glass of water.

Gwen nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I guess I'm just adjusting to being back here. It feels surreal, but in a good way."

Her aunt's eyes twinkled with understanding. "Change can be daunting, but sometimes it's exactly what we need to find our path again."

The conversation flowed effortlessly as they dined, with Gwen recounting her journey back to Forks and her eagerness to start anew. Her aunt listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and support.

As they finished cleaning up, Gwen glanced out of the window at the starry night sky. A sense of peace settled over her, a quiet reassurance that she was right where she belonged. She took a deep breath, inhaling the cool night air that carried with it a hint of pine and earth.

"I've missed this," Gwen said softly, more to herself than to her aunt.

Her aunt smiled knowingly. "There's something about Forks that has a way of drawing you back, isn't there?"

Gwen nodded, a fond smile playing on her lips. "It's like coming home after a long journey. Everything feels familiar yet new at the same time."

They stood by the window for a moment, simply taking in the quiet beauty of the night. The distant sound of crickets added to the serene atmosphere, creating a sense of tranquility that Gwen had longed for.

With a contented sigh, Gwen bid her aunt goodnight and headed back to her room. She curled up on her bed, her favorite book in hand, letting the familiar words wash over her like a soothing melody.

As she drifted off to sleep, visions of the coming days in Forks danced in her mind, each one brimming with possibilities and new beginnings. The excitement of reconnecting with old friends and exploring familiar places filled her with a sense of anticipation.

And as the moon cast its gentle glow through her window, casting shadows that seemed to whisper of adventures yet to come, Gwen knew deep in her heart that her journey was just beginning. The chapter of her life in Forks was about to unfold, and she was ready to embrace every moment of it.

After dinner, Gwen helped her aunt with the dishes, the rhythmic clinking of plates and the sound of running water filling the kitchen. As they worked side by side, Gwen felt a sense of comfort in the familiar routine, a glimpse of the life she hoped to build in Forks.

As they finished cleaning up, Gwen glanced out of the window at the starry night sky. A sense of peace settled over her, a quiet reassurance that she was right where she belonged.

With a contented sigh, Gwen bid her aunt goodnight and headed back to her room. She curled up on her bed, her favorite book in hand, letting the familiar words wash over her like a soothing melody.

As she drifted off to sleep, visions of the coming days in Forks danced in her mind, each one brimming with possibilities and new beginnings. And as the moon cast its gentle glow through her window, Gwen knew deep in her heart that her journey was just beginning.

I'm sorry this is so short! The next chapter will be at Forks High so it will be longer once I get into Rosalie's details! I have big things planned!

Whispers of Gold (Rosalie Hale Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz