Chapter 12: Escape

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The six of them were now tied up in a cell, awaiting the Black Carriage.

"What were you thinking!?" Janner asked Tink.

"What? We had to do something!" He replied.

"Boys!" Nia scolded.

"Why didn't you stay hidden like you were told?" Podo asked.

"Ferinia and Oskar helped us make a plan, and it almost worked." Tink replied.

"Except for the part where Tink ran right into Gnorm's trap and I had to follow him." Janner added.

"How is that my fault!?" Tink cried, throwing his hands in the air.

"Tink! How are you untied?" Nia asked.

"Oh!" Tink held up a knife with a grin.

"Tink!" Rose exclaimed, shocked but thankful that he had stolen it from Anklejelly.

"So...ya picked up a trinket while you were in Anklejelly did ya?" Podo asked as Tink cut his bonds.

"We went to get help for Sarah." Rose replied, letting Tink cut hers.

"We thought the Florid Sword was there." Janner added.

"We'll talk about this later." Nia said.

"And can we also talk about why I had to read a dusty sword to find out my father's name was Esben Wingfeather?" He added.

Rose's eyes widened, that was the first she'd ever heard of their father. Now she really began to wonder why Nia hadn't told her about him. Was he a bad husband? No, the look on Nia's face was too sorrowful. He probably died in the Great War if he had a sword, and if his initials were engraved in it he was probably a high-ranking knight. And what about the Jewels of Anniera? Did he die protecting those? Did Nia really have them? Then she remembered the name in one of Peet's journals. Artham Wingfeather. He had the same last name as Esben. Also, why did Peet freak out when Tink read it aloud? Was he connected in all this?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a fang telling them all to quiet down, which they immediately did.

"Once they have us in the carriage it'll be too late. Enough spilling of family secrets. Right now, we need a plan." Podo said. "Tink, pass me that knife."

Tink gave it to him obediently and he hid it behind his back.

"But the fangs have swords and spears, how is this going to do anything?" Tink asked.

"Sometimes all it takes is a wee pebble to start an avalanche." Podo said with a smile.


After an hour of waiting they all heard a sound that made Rose's stomach drop. The Black Carriage was here.

"Your grandpa's been in tighter scrapes than this." Podo reassured. "Remember, Ships and Sharks."

"There's always a way out." Leeli finished, making Podo smile.

"When the time comes, crouch down, scoot back, and stay out of grandpa's way." Nia ordered.

"Try to look upset." Rose said as she heard the jail door open and the footsteps of the fangs.

"I am upset." Tink replied.

A fang now stood in front of their cell grinning so wide its yellow teeth were showing. "A pity we have to break up such a cozy little rats nest!" He laughed, opening the door and marching them outside, where the Black Carriage stood. Just seeing it in person made Rose's heart quicken.

"It's your last chance to bargain. Tell me where all those pretty jewels are!" Gnorm said, grinning evilly.

"I say it's a fine day for a ride through the country. Eh, lads?" Podo asked the fangs on either side of him, who looked at him like he was mad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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