Chapter 2: Hotcakes and Toothyness

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After dropping the Thwaps off at the forest, the three kids started playing some kind of game that involved fangs and Sea Dragons.

"Roooaaaar!" Janner yelled, pretending to be a fang.

Leeli squealed as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

"Let her go!" Tink yelled in the deepest voice he could. (Which wasn't very.)

"Make me!" Janner replied.

"Help!" Leeli cried, laughing.

Tink leaped at Janner, causing him to drop Leeli and run away as fast as he could.

"Get him!" Leeli cried.

Janner didn't stand a chance, everyone knew Tink was the fastest kid in Glipwood, and soon he was on top of him.

"Woooo! Go Tink!" Rose called.

"Agh! Mercy!" Janner wheezed.

"You are one lucky fang, I will release you on one condition." Tink announced.

Rose and Leeli leaned forwards in anticipation.

"You have to brush your teeth twice a day!"

It was widely known how awful fang breath was, especially after eating maggot loaf, and to top it off, those things hated hygiene.

"Nooooooo!" Janner wailed as Rose and Leeli burst out laughing.

Soon they made it back to the cottage and the three continued their game as Rose pondered supper.

"What do you guys think about having hotcakes and bacon for dinner as a treat?"

Tink's eyes widened. "You can have breakfast for dinner!?" He exclaimed.

"Yes." Rose replied.

"Then yes!"


Nia and Podo arrived back to the smell of Hotcakes and bacon.

"Are you all having breakfast for dinner?" She asked once inside.

"Yeth!" Tink replied, his cheeks stuffed with bacon.

"We saved some for you if you wanted any." Rose said, gesturing to a plate full of the good, steaming food.

"That sounds delicious." Nia replied, as she and Podo sat at the table.

"Did you all get every last Thwap?" Podo asked, stuffing a hotcake into his mouth.

"Yes sir." Janner replied happily.

"Did ye now? I'd say you all truly earned a breakfast dinner!"


An hour later, Rose was on her way home, a basket of leftovers on one hand. She hummed to herself as she smiled at the day's events. She loved the Igiby children and always looked forward to 5th day, she deeply wished to have children of her own, but she never met the right man for her.

She suddenly heard the ear-splitting moo of Glipwood's most feared creature, the Toothy Cow. Toothy Cows were deadly, almost everyone died if they encountered one. They looked like normal cows, except they had long-pointed fangs jutting out of their mouth, and normally lived deep inside Glipwood forest.

She looked around searching for the creature when she saw it, and it was staring right back at her. Normally Toothy Cows were a drooling mess, but this one was straight up foaming at the mouth, and its eyes had a reddish hue to it.

"Oh no..." Rose mumbled, backing away slowly only for the beast to charge at her.

She screamed and turned to run, only to trip over a tree root and fall. She looked back to see the beast getting closer by the second. She closed her eyes, waiting for the impact...but it never came. Instead she heard a thud next to her and opened her eyes just in time to witness Peet the Sockman punch the beast in the face with a socked hand. The beast let out a painful moo as Peet broke off a tree branch and held it like a sword, ready if it charged again. It did charge again but when it did, Peet let out a shriek that sounded very hawk-like as he hit the beast right in the head with the branch.

While it was stunned Peet turned back to her. "Get up the tree!" He shouted and she immediately obeyed, climbing until she was at a safe hight. The two continued to battle until the beast suddenly dropped, no longer moving.

"Is it dead?" Rose asked.

Peet gingerly walked up to it and kicked its head lightly. "I think so."

"What killed it?"

"Robably pabies- probably rabies." He corrected.

She climbed back down and brushed the twigs out of her blonde hair, still not believing what just happened.

He picked up the basket of hotcakes she dropped and held it out to her. "I believe this is yours."

"Oh no, you keep it." She said.

"W-hat?" He stuttered.

"You deserve it. You just saved me from that cow."

He still seemed unsure.

"I insist, I have enough at home."


She nodded.

"T-thank you." He said, the brightest smile shining on his face.

"No, thank you. I was almost that thing's dinner."



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