Chapter 4: Brick Tricks and Sea Dragons

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It wasn't long after they started searching when they heard the sound of a dog barking.

"Nugget." They all said in unison, and sped off in the direction of the sound.

They arrived just in time to witness sweet little Leeli kick a fang who had Nugget by the collar.

"Come closer little hobbler and I'll give your bones a crunch." The fang threatened, biting her crutch in two.

"Boys, get behind me." Rose said and they immediately obeyed. "Hey." The fang looked up, its yellow eyes locked onto her. "Take it easy-" the fang swung his tail, knocking Leeli over. "We just want the girl and the dog back. We don't mean any harm-"

"Disgusting pigs!" The fang snarled. "You smell better when you're- OH!" He ducked as a piece of Leeli's crutch flew over his head, bouncing off a crate and hitting the stone chimney above.

The creature laughed seeing Tink missed, but soon the chimney broke apart and fell on top of him.

The three stared in silence for a moment before running over to Leeli.

"Are you ok?" Rose asked, dusting her off.

"Yeah." She replied. "Nice throw Tink."

"That was not a well-made chimney." Rose commented.

The fang let out a pained moan as he started to come to.

"Run." They all said in unison.

Leeli climbed onto Rose's back as Janner picked up the frightened Nugget and they all ran back into the town, making for the Igiby cottage.

It wasn't before long though when that fang started to chase them, but luckily a familiar socked figure jumped down from the roof and blocked him. Angry yells could be hear as the continued to run.

They finally stopped to catch their breath on a path that overlooked The Sea of Darkness.

"Are you hurt?" Janner asked Leeli, who was now sitting on a rock stroking Nugget.

"Uh-uh." She replied.

"What about your leg?"


"Can you believe it?" Tink asked excitedly. "We fought a fang!"

"We're gonna be in so much trouble." Janner mumbled.

"Relax." Rose reassured. "You're just kids. It's not like Gnorm is gonna send a whole army after you."

They all laughed at how ridiculous that sounded.

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard from the dark waters below.

"Hey! Look!" Tink exclaimed. "Down there!"

Rose gasped.

"Sea Dragons!" Leeli cried.

The dragons started their song and soon the four of them were in awe of their song.

Rose looked towards another cliff where other people were watching and spotted some fangs. "We need to get out of sight. Now." She said.

"But we can't skip the Sea Dragons, it's the best part!" Tink whined.

"I know how you feel Tink but-" she stopped hearing Leeli humming the same tune as the dragons.

"Leeli?" Janner asked. "What are you-" He was interrupted when Leeli broke into song.

"Oh Holoré lay thee low, Holoél, dark in the deep. Down beneath the earth you go. Go Holoré fast to sleep."

As she sang these gold particles began to appear around her. She noticed the Sea Dragons were also listening, then it hurt her, she was singing the same song as them.

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