Priest and Nun

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I'm going to improvise a little, because I have no idea but I want to write.

(Pov: Fyodor)


Sigma asked me. I was wearing a priest's outfit. My hair was tied up so no one would recognize me.

-Ready. - I replied. - And you?

Sigma sighed. He was dressed as a nun.

-yeaah... I regret a little that I chose THIS plan for us. But do you think she will let us into the house just like that?

-We will say that we are after a caroling.

-But-......Fyodor.... This is stupid.

-Not true.

-What do you say we say we came to write down updated information about the people living in that apartment?


-Much smarter than yours.

I didn't answer.

-Well, take some kind of bag in which you supposedly have some papers to write down this information and actually there will be a sack and a string.

-Good idea.

-You seem to have it all worked out, but you didn't even think to take these two necessary things.

Again, I didn't answer but went to get my bag and packed some papers, string and a sack. Sigma was already waiting for me at the exit. After a few minutes we left the apartment and went up to the next floor above us. We knocked.

(Pov: Sigma)

I think we had to wait 5 minutes for the woman to open for us.

-Oh! Good morning Dear priest! I'm not prepared! Come in, Come in!

....You don't plan to greet a nun, do you?...

We entered her apartment....TOTAL MESS. Dostoyevsky looked like he wasn't paying attention, BUT I WAS. AND A GREAT ONE AT THAT.

-Would you like something? Tea? The cake I baked yesterday?

Well, at last she paid attention to me....

-Please. - Murmured under his breath Fyodor.

I looked at Rat in disbelief. But only after a while did I realize that he didn't want to eat something of his own accord, he just wanted this neighbor to do something.



I felt like telling her this but the nun probably wouldn't get so riled up. I sighed and began to mumble quietly so that the old woman would not recognize my voice.

-D-don't you think that a child can get jammed or burned by water....?

-Oh dear! You are right Madam! BARTEKI! WAIT! I WILL DO IT! (Bartek is polish name)

I sighed at the word "Madam". I am sure that if Nikolai was with us he would start laughing uncontrollably.... I could already imagine that look on his face....

The witch ran into the kitchen. After she ran in, out of the kitchen came this "Bartek". This child was attached to his phone and it was clear that he was neglecting his diet...Along with his grandmother. And I don't mean that in the way that Fyodor did, but the reverse.

-Good, now you... - Dostoyevsky whispered to me.

I woke up from my thoughts as I heard him. I looked around the room and found a metal brush. I whacked the kid with it, who fell after the impact along with his phone, which shattered after the fall. The water had already started boiling in the kitchen so nothing could be heard.

Fyodor took the bag and took out a string and a sack. We quickly started packing the kid into the bag and wrapping it with the string. I picked up the broken phone and put it in the bag, where nothing but papers were already in it. I quickly seized the sack from Fyodor and threw it out into the hallway for the time being. I must admit that the sack was terribly heavy.... But I'm not surprised...

We heard the water stop boiling and someone's footsteps. After a while we saw an old woman with a sliced cake in her hand and plates.

-And you are still standing here? Come, I invite you to the living room. Take a seat.

We did as she said.

-There is still tea.

She left us. We sat in a long silence. Until I spoke up.

-Fyodor, ,do you think someone will notice the sack in the hallway?


No answer

The woman returned with tea cups in one hand and a teapot in the other. She put everything on the table and sat down with us.

-I...Excuse me Dear priest.... I should have dressed better... - The woman began to blush at Dostoyevsky and corrected her hair.

I STARTED COUGHING. WHAT IS IT?!?!! Did she....BLUSH!!!?!?!?!

-It's alright....

The rat looked like he didn't care at all or didn't notice it. He just stared coldly into the woman's eyes.

-If this is what the priest says.... I have a question. What brings you to my humble abode?

-We wanted to update who lives in this apartment. - I spoke quietly, because I knew that Fyodor would not do it.

The woman only gave me cold glances after my words, as if she did not expect me to answer the question.

Fyodor only looked into the bag and started to take out some papers...bravo. BLANK PAGES

I gently leaned over to him and whispered in his ear.

-You could have at least taken other sheets of paper in the blank thread. Some old copies at least....

The witch snatched the cards out of Fyodor's hands and began to write EVERYTHING. SHE LITERALLY WROTE EVERYTHING.

After a few minutes, she handed us back the cards.....WITH A BLUSH ON HER FACE.

I had the urge to vomit as I saw her blush into a rat.... this... was just disgusting.

I stood up and swallowed my saliva hard with disgust.

-We are going to get going now, Yes Dear priest?

-Yes sister. - Fyodor nodded and got up with me.

-Y-you are already going? Wouldn't you at least like to meet my grandson Bartus?

-We still have plenty of apartments, ma'am. - Fyodor looked at the woman and she immediately smiled.... WITH BLUSH.

-I understand.... visit me someday - the old woman blinked one eye.... something felt that it was no longer to me....

We quickly said goodbye to her once more and went out into the corridor of the block. Fortunately, no one moved our precious bag. We quickly dragged this "Bartek" to the very bottom of the blocks where we lived. We entered each other's apartment and quickly closed the door behind us. I threw that sack of the closet and closed it.

 -She almost took away someone important to us and we took away someone important to HER. - A slight smile of satisfaction could be seen on Fyodor's face after these words of his.


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