Chapter 2.

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"If he was my twin he'd have to get a sense of humor first!" they both said in unison, then looked at each other with surprise.

"Wait, wait, wait. If you are my twin, then you would know the line to this joke. If you had a goblin and three reekrods, in one room, what would you get?" Keefe asked, his tone lighter and more curious.

"Lord Cassius! He's all of those things. And more." Canden said with a smirk on his face. The signature Keefe smirk!

"Okay, well, this is new. Hello Canden, nice to meet you, my name is Keefe and this is my girlfriend Sophie." Keefe said, gesturing to me as I gave a wave, his former anger dissolving. Heat rushed to my face as I realized that I had been holding Keefe's twin's hands.

"Nice to meet you too. Though I'm sorry about what just happened, I'm not into your girlfriend at all if she's yours, though you did pick a good one." Canden said, smirking as I looked down to hide my blush.

"Hah! She came begging to me saying,'Oh Keefe! Your hair is too gorgeous, and you're too handsome! Will you be my boyfriend? I'm begging you!' It was halarious!" Keefe said with a laugh.

"That's not how it happened! You were the one who wrote me a love letter." I cut in, my face a bright pink. I gave him a smirk of my own as blush creeped up on his face as well. "We have to tell Fitz! He'll be so confused." I said with a giggle.

"Nah, I have my own idea of how to tell him." Keefe said, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. I rolled my eyes, knowing what his plan was. We each got cupcakes, and went back to Havenfield. It took a lot of convincing for Grady to let Canden in, even though Edaline was just as confused, she didn't question Sophie.

"So what's your plan, Keefe? I know you have one." I asked, teasing.

"Weeeell-" Keefe started, but was cut off by Ro barging through the door to Sophie's room. There was a long moment of silence as Ro looked back and forth between the double Keefe's. All of a sudden, Ro burst out laughing!

"Blondie, you can't be satisfied with just one Keefe!? You got two instead!?" Ro said, still rocking back and forth of laughter. "So you got Dizznee to make you a clone machine?"

My face was red with humiliation and embarrassment, but so were the Sencen twin's as Ro straightened up.

"Though which one of you is the real Keefe? Oooh I have an idea! How about I go tell Elwin, that you really want that one plushie I commented on!" Ro said, tapping her finger on her chin, but Keefe exposed himself by throwing a pillow at Ro.

"Found you! Only the real Lord Hunkyhair would know what that means. Okay okay, what really happened here. I have to know the whole story. No cut-outs, no edits."

After we got through the whole story, Ro looked as happy as someone eating Mallowmelt for the first time. I soon realized that she was staring at something else.

I followed her gaze and saw she was staring at my hand which was resting on Keefe's. I immediately pulled my hand away, but Ro was faster.

"You two are a couple! You two are a couple! I knew it would happen eventually! I'm going to tell everyone!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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