"Ah, yes, you have pleeeeenty of problems, sir," she focused on her reason to be here. "For example the fact that you never told me that Jungkook was behind bringing me back to Korea!"

The way her father calmly nodded made her right eye twitch. "Oh, you found out."

"Yes, dad, I found out," she shook her head with delicate sarcasm. "I'm always the last one to find out," the resentment was strong in her mouth. Not only was she the last to find out about her father's cancer, that Jungkook was the CEO and owner of the building and even her marriage, no, she had also been kept in the dark about her own business!

"He didn't want you to know."

Why was everything done according to what Jungkook wanted? Why was he the favourite son when he wasn't even a real son to begin with?!

"So you both decided to play with my business and future in secret only because Mr Jeon Jungkook didn't want me to know," she stomped around the room, squeezing her crossed arms.

"You make it sound like we sold you to an Arab sheikh, sunshine," her father wrinkled his face in displeasure. "Didn't your business bloom in your favour?"

"Yes! But that's not the point!"

"Then what is the point?" Marco dropped his hands into his lap as dramatically as she usually was. "That your husband was desperate to get you back and he schemed all this to lure you back to Korea using me as a flimsy excuse?"

Lisa gasped, her heart swelling in her chest to the point it made her feel breathless.


Jungkook had been desperate to get her back... No. No, her father was wrong. Jungkook wasn't desperate before, and now he was only desperately delusional to get her back and be right about their marriage, which he wasn't.

"First of all," she held up a finger, clearing her throat, "he hated my guts when he planned that and he said it was because he wanted me but that's debatable," she dismissed that stupid excuse for behaviour her husband gave her in Jeju. "And second, the point here is that no one told me that this wasn't your doing but his!"

"Well," her father nodded calmly, "I approved the project."


"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," an amused little smile peeked out from under his moustache, but Lisa wasn't finding any of this funny. "Even if the motives weren't exactly business-like, the deal itself was conducted professionally. Normally, I don't go spilling the beans on who from the board hooked up my business partners with me. They usually figure it out themselves through their contacts. But this time, it was a bit out of the ordinary."

"You contacted me instead of him."

"Yes," he was clear. "It wasn't easy for me either, you know. I've always held back on offering too much help because I know how much you value doing your own way. But Jungkook, he reckoned it wasn't about just helping you out for the sake of it. No," he shook his head vehemently and pointed his hand at her, "he saw you, made me see you, as the savvy business woman you've turned into, sunshine That's why I went ahead and reached out to you."

Lisa ignored her fluttering heart, the heat climbing up her cheeks because it just couldn't be Jungkook thought that way about her.

She averted her gaze to the window, blankly staring at the familiar city view while chewing her lower lip. "If he trusted me that much as a business woman, why did he spend most of the time dismissing my shop, then?"

"Sweetheart, as the one who brought you in front of the board, if you stumble, he stumbles. It's not personal, it's just business. Truth be told, I reckon nobody's ever seen you in a more professional light than Jungkook... well, at least within the walls of Manoban's & Co." and in that way her father made her squirm, why did he believe that insinuating sexual things between her and her husband was acceptable?

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