Hot shot sat down at the table. He was hardly touching his food because his head was hurting. Heatwave noticed him hardly touching his cereal. "You okay Hot shot?" Heatwave asked.

"My head hurts," Hot shot said.

"Sounds like a headache," Quickshadow said. "That probably explains why you don't feel like eating," she said. Quickshadow went to the cabinet to get some medicine for Hot shot. "This medicine will help you feel better," she said pouring some of the children's painkiller in a cup for the recommended dose. She handed it to Hot shot.

Hot shot took the cup and took the medicine. Hot shot hoped it was going to help him feel better. Hot shot was just feeling pretty lousy due to his headache. Hot shot was wanting to feel better. Hot shot was now sitting down on the couch trying to relax. Fireplug laid next to his feet and he didn't wag his tail he was worried about Hot shot. Hot shot was waiting for the painkiller to work. Hot shot saw his father leave for work. Quickshadow was going to stay with him. She was going to do what she could for Hot shot.

Hot shot's headache remained even with the medicine. Hot shot was wondering why his head was hurting so bad. He was feeling quite terrible. Hot shot was wondering why was going on. He was just not feeling so well. He was hoping to feel better soon. Fireplug was whining he knew something was wrong and he didn't like it at all.

Hot shot was still feeling bad for the next few days. Hot shot still had this horrible pounding headache. His head was pounding badly. The pain could sometimes become very sharp. Other times it felt like an intense pressure. Hot shot was having this head for a long time and it wasn't going away. Fireplug was whimpering and whining when he saw Hot shot not feeling well.

Hot shot was also waking up feeling nauseous. He even vomited a few times. Hot shot would vomit for no reason sometimes. Hot shot wasn't enjoying it too much. He hated it a lot. He feeling bad enough as it was with his headache. 

Hot shot was also kind of tired too. He just didn't have a lot of energy. He just felt like laying around most of the time. He was just so tired and he didn't know why. He just didn't feel like playing much either. It was very unlike Hot shot to not want to run around and play.

Hot shot was also having trouble with his left leg. It was kind of hard to walk normally. It was like His left leg wasn't moving in sync with his right leg. It was very strange and Hot shot didn't like it at all. Hot shot just wasn't happy about it. His parents noticed that his left leg was kind of weaker it seemed than his right leg. They were wondering if he hurt it.

Hot shot was also kind of cranky and in a bad mood a lot of the time. Hot shot was normally so happy and easy going too. But now it seemed like he was losing his temper over the tiniest of things. Hot shot was also showing signs of crying more easily and not being as happy as he was used to being. It concerned his parents because Hot shot was normally a happy child and he wasn't acting like his normal self and it made his parents worry. 

Hot shot was laying on the couch feeling pretty bad. Fireplug was laying next to Hot shot and not wagging his tail.

Heatwave and Quickshadow were very worried about Hot shot decided to call his pediatrician Dr. Erret for an appointment. Dr. Erret was going to be able to see Hot shot that day. Hot shot was gotten ready and set up in his car seat. Hot shot was ready to go for a visit to his doctor. Hot shot was kind of nervous but he was ready for it.

Hot shot was holding on to his favorite toy. Roxy the rhino, and he held her all the way to the doctor's office. Hot shot and parents went inside the office upon arriving. Hot shot was a bit nervous about this. Hot shot saw there were other kids in the doctor's office. Hot shot was hoping everything was going to be okay.

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