Chapter 1

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My nightmare started like this: I was walking through a valley filled with beautiful daises, roses, and wheat, Jason, I thought to myself... of course not Jason Grace but him, Jason Olympias. I walked through the valley for some time till I saw a face. Jason's. I looked in shock as tears filled my eyes, he was looking at the stars and somehow he seemed hot doing it, he turned back, and tears instantaneously welled up in his. I ran to him like I was running for my life and wrapped my arms around him. I looked up, as joy and relief filled his eyes as they shined like constellations in the sky, he wrapped his arm against me with one arm and ran his hand through my hair with the other.

"I missed you" he finally said, breaking the silence that had been there the entire time, then our lips touched, something that I had been praying for days. once we pulled away he just vanished... just like that into thin air. Suddenly, a deep growling woke me back up to reality "Oh curse the gods", I muttered as crawled out of the cave to the eternal boiling lava-lighted Tartarus. I lost count of the days I had been there. Two weeks, a guess that ran in my mind, I hope I hadn't missed anything special. Except for Thalia's birthday, I didn't care one bit about it, but as much as I hated her Hera always forced me to go.

You see, this was a special emergency mission that the demigods the gods usually talk about, one of them being the seven: Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, and Leo, could never handle. No matter how much power or ammunition they had, so I took up the responsibility, being the most powerful god, to stop this world from getting destroyed by two Titans. Yes, I said Titans... Kronos and Gaea had been planning for a while together a way they would take over the world and I was never going to allow that. So I took up the challenge.

Don't get me wrong I didn't want to do it for the popularity or anything I did it because, one, Gaea and I seemed to have some unfinished business, with her formerly being my mentor. Two, I knew I'd be the only one to get out of here without my immortality, powers, life, physical health and mental health snatched away from me as easily. Today was the day, the day I got out alive. I had put a stop to their plans, imprisoned them, and found the promise ring that I had lost given to me by Jason. All of a sudden, I was snapped out of my thoughts as a fleet of monsters surrounded me.

I was used to this, swing my sword, and they're gone, but this time it was different. By the time I had killed three harpies a minotaur promptly looked into my eyes, his was glowing fierce bloody red. As I swung my sword at another harpie it ran towards me head-first, I rammed it back. I may have a sword but I also knew how to do combat without weapons. Then... just then I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I kept fighting I got hurt all the time, and then that same pain felt on my chest was felt on my neck. I looked down only to find Ichor gold dripping down from both my neck and chest.

I got stabbed, with a spear from a harpie and an arrow from a empousa, in my neck and chest. The second I thought that the second the pain increased. My vision went blurry and I was wobbling along with being dizzy, a portal near Camp Jupiter opened. Gods, I hadn't been able to open one for a long time. I gathered all the strength I had and walked through it. It closed in time for no monsters to get through. I tried screaming but I felt as if no one heard me. Then as I lost hope, a figure appeared, someone like Reyna. Then everything went black.


I was patrolling through Camp Jupiter as I normally do when I heard screams, I signaled for my horse to go faster and that's when I saw her... Karisa, tears filled my eyes. She had been gone for two years. I abruptly picked her up and that's when I saw Ichor gold on my wrist when I looked at Karisa I realized she had gotten stabbed. Both on the neck and chest. I got on my horse as fast as I could with her in my arms, thankfully I was just at the border of Camp Jupiter.

"Phoebus kids, now!", I shouted, I felt stares at me but I didn't care. She was here, the Pheobus kids or Apollo kids brought a stretcher. I got down carefully and put her on the stretcher "Let Jason know about this immediately", they nodded and I sprinted to the huge meeting hall where Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Leo,  Nico, Will, and Thalia were sitting. "She's alive- she's stabbed, I saw her in the woods-" "Wait," Nico said, at that point, I knew I sounded like a freak but I didn't care. Karisa was alive, missing for two years "She's fucking alive bitches" I shouted. Everyone looked at me like I went mental, "Karisa's back", by the time I said Karisa, Thalia was out the door.

Everyone followed Thalia as she sprinted across the cabins to the infirmary, just as I saw Jason outside the door everyone stopped. Jason looked more worried than I'd ever seen, people were blocking him from entering as he kept pacing around in a circle.  He looked up at me and so did the people blocking him. "Let him in, that's his girlfriend anyway", the people blocking him were shocked. I never understood till someone whispered in my ear, "The first main rule of the Apollo cabin is to never operate on someone you are close to." I looked at Jason "Just let him in, he's the best healer here after all.

Jason rushed inside, and out of the blue, Phoebus, Aceso, Aegle, Hygieia, and Panacea all appeared at first I was confused but then it clicked. Karisa was all linked to them by God's blood. She was Apollo's half-sister after all. They all ran inside to help. Once Thalia gathered up her courage to walk in we all went after her, of course, Karisa was still in surgery but after about 45 minutes Apollo came out.

He was wearing a Camp Jupiter shirt stained with Ichor gold and Bermuda shorts. He looked at everyone, 15 minutes before he arrived Jason had come to sit down. Then he stared at Thalia, "She's fine, unconscious but fine." Thalia looked up and smiled Leo wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her. "She can't even die in the first place, she's immortal," I said. "Yes, but she sustained fatal injuries," Jason said appearing from behind Apollo.

Just then, Aphrodite and Zeus appeared "Where is she?" Aphrodite said quickly. Apollo pointed to a room across the hall and Aphrodite walked towards the room. Zeus inspected us including Jason, who gave a fierce glare at him. "Well I have one fucking obvious question, why am I in a hospital with depressed-looking teens." A voice from behind said. 

*********Hey, so this is my first chapter, excuse me if it's shitty but I'm trying, and if you have any suggestions of anything or anyone I'm open to it. I'm also looking for someone who could do fanart to replace this book's cover because I suck so if you're interested you can say in the comments or message me in my profile. Thx love you demigods.

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