Part 2

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Kapitel 2

That night, when all the students were now asleep, one person couldn't do it. Even though it was a long night, his attempts to find a peaceful sleep were not great. He was in one of the house's dormitories, tossing and turning in his sleep with sweat pouring from his head. His legs tangled under the sheet and adjusted so that his bare feet hung slightly over the edge.

He shivered despite the fact that it wasn't that cold under the covers and even though he was sweating, he felt shaken and cold at the same time.

It was when, despite being oblivious to anything in the darkness of his subconscious, he noticed the shadows rolling around around him. The room was, of course, shrouded in darkness. Shadows are the main inhabitants at night and nightmares are always associated with dark places. Especially in dungeons. Normally the boy didn't have any problems with something like this, but this time he just wasn't feeling well, which caused him to jump up quickly, wide-eyed, with no memory of what his dream/nightmare was. His dreamland didn't even startle him to know if it was harmless or something good.

The boy immediately inspected the room and everything around him, but he found nothing. Everything was the same as when he went to sleep. Chaotic, but still okay. The only thing he knew was about the party they had thrown, but even then his memories were vague. As he continued to doze, he felt a wave of tiredness come over him, but as soon as he sank deeper, he felt a kind of...shock run through his body. This taught him a quick reaction that had him widening his eyes and jumping out of bed.

He took small steps away from his chosen sleeping spot, but collided with his bedside drawer. He looked at it for a few seconds until he decided to stop next to it to reach into one of the drawers and get what he often carried with him as a memento of his late mother.

His hand opened the lock and picked it up and as soon as the object was visible inside. He clenched his hand and kept the object close to his torso. After a few seconds, he released the hug and placed the fragment around his neck with the cord already in place. He sighed and adjusted it so that it rested under his clothes.

The boy closed the drawer again and walked over to his friend on the other side of the room. He positioned himself right next to the bed and hesitated to reach for the other boy. After a short thought process, he tried to shake the other boy awake, but was unsuccessful. His friend slept like a log. But before he started to sulk at his friend's lack of emotion, he let an itch pass over him and pushed the still sleeping boy to the side so that there was still room. With that he at least lay next to him and snuggled up in the other's warmth.

It was comfortable enough for him to not have any serious sleep problems. However, his subconscious still noticed a slight movement from outside. His subconscious also became more awake when he felt this. When he opened his eyes, he saw the bundle next to him had approached and seemed to be whispering softly to him.

"Scorp? What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

The blonde boy looked at his friend, who sounded hoarse and seemed sleepy, but he knew his friend always looked like that. He was lying close to him, their respective heads turned towards each other and only millimeters apart. Albus sighed and pulled the silent teenager into his arms. He had to smile himself, it somehow warmed his heart when Scorpius always did that, which was happening more often lately.

Albus had wondered about it at first and always checked the next day to see if his blonde friend was okay, but Scorpius had never given him a clear answer until today. However, both sides enjoyed it on nights like this and stuck by each other. The warmth calmed and comforted the blonde. Albus just didn't really know what the reason was to help him. And Scorpius just said it was nothing and AL didn't have to worry. Meanwhile, Albus seemed to be worried.

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