Chapter 2: First Week of Debut Promotions

Start from the beginning

"You don't actually have to go, do you?" Howon asked me.

"No, but that's okay." I smiled at him. "I'd like to know where the bathroom is anyway."

Howon gave a small smile and we wandered around until we finally found the bathroom, me making mental notes of how to get there from our dressing room.

"I'll wait out here." I told him.

Howon nodded then entered the restroom. I leaned against the wall and pulled out my phone, swiping randomly to try to find something to do. That's when I heard footsteps, but my too-shy self kept his eyes on his phone, trying not to attract attention.

"Hey, you're Junwon right?" I heard a female voice say.

I looked up to see LE SSERAFIM's Chaewon and my heart skipped a beat when I realized she was talking to me.

"You...You know me?" I asked, a bit shocked.

"Of course." She snickered. "Doesn't everyone? You and your brother were 1st and 2nd place throughout all of PINKSTAR."

"You watched it?" My eyes widened.

She nodded, giving a cute smile. "I know what it's like to participate and then debut from a survival show so I like to support them when I can."

I gave her a small nod as thanks, not really sure what to say. Chaewon giggled.

"I'm Chaewon, from-" She said.

"LE SSERAFIM." I finished. "IZ*ONE before that."

She smiled wide. "So you know me."

"Who doesn't know you?" I replied. I tried to be witty like her but I could feel I just sounded awkward. Despite that, she snickered.

"You're adorable." She said.

I felt my cheeks and ears burn up at the compliment.

"Th-Thanks." I muttered with a small bow.

She giggled again. "I hope we'll get to meet again, Junwon. Good luck today."

A little taken aback by what she said, I forgot to respond before she was already walking away.

"You too!" I said flustered. But she had already rounded the corner. I sighed and that's when Howon exited the bathroom.

"Who are you talking to out here?" He asked, looking around.

"Nobody." I said, smiling to myself. "Let's go."

Howon ignored his intuition and we headed back to the dressing room where we relaxed before the show. I found myself doing some research on LE SSERAFIM only to find out this was their last day of promotions. Although I wanted to try to see Chaewon again, my shyness took over and I didn't take any chances. I just had to hope I could see her again in the future.


-Wednesday, May 31, 2023~5:50PM-

~Jinhyuk's POV~

I was getting my mic pack on when I heard someone call my name.

"Jinhyuk-ah!" I turned around to see my two friends from VERIVERY walking towards me.

"Yeonho! Yongseung!" I shouted, meeting them half-way and giving them a couple bro-fives.

"Congratulations on finally debuting!" Yeonho said.

"Yeah, you deserve it." Yongseung added.

"Thanks." I grinned proudly then realized what today was. "And happy birthday to you, Yeonho!"

"Thanks." Yeonho snickered. "Back to you, though. Who knew you'd be a rapper?"

"Hey, he rapped quite a bit in PINKSTAR." Yongseung added.

I snickered at their bickering. "I'm technically a lead vocal, just like I am lead rapper. I sing a decent amount in the rest of our album."

"Oh yeah, totally!" Yeonho said, a bit dramatically.

"You haven't listened to it yet, have you?" Yongseung caught him red-handed.

"No, sorry." Yeonho sucked air through his teeth.

"It's okay." I snickered then gave them a big joking smirk. "I haven't listened to your new album yet either."

"Okay, I deserve that." Yeonho said. "But you should, as my birthday present."

Yeonho gave a wide toothy smile and I just scoffed. "In your dreams."

We all laughed and that's when CØLORFUL STARS was called for standby.

"Well, we just came to say hi." Yongseung said. "We should get back to our dressing room."

"Hopefully we'll see you again before promotions end for either of us." Yeonho said.

"Deal." I said.

I bro-hugged them goodbye and then joined up with my members where we cheered before opening up the show.

~Author's Note~

Hey guys! I'm trying to get back into writing at least some of my other stories and I decided on starting with this one. I will probably write this until I catch up to real time but we'll see. Anyway! I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon. Biez!

P.S unedited.

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