Mykhailo Mudryk

124 1 0

27. Flirting 

You worked in a popular coffee shop which would be pretty busy with celebrity's from time to time.

Whilst you still had to remain very professional, you could still fangirl in your mind so the celebrity didn't notice your reaction.

"Hey he looks so familiar" your colleague came up to you as you were making an iced coffee.

You tried to look and not make it so obvious that you were looking.

"Hey I said stop looking" they laughed as you practically craned your neck looking at him.

"Sorry" you whispered as you finished making your iced coffee.

"Here we go" you smiled as you passed the drink to him.

"Thank you, if you don't mind me saying you have beautiful eyes" you felt your whole face going hot with embarrassment over being complimenting you.

"Ahh thank you so much, that is really sweet of you" you nervously replied.

"He was totally flirting with you" your colleagues told you.

"Oh stop it, no he wasn't. I'll never see him again, so it doesn't matter" you laughed as you were stopped in your tracks as you heard someone open the door.

"Hi sorry, I forgot to give you this" the gentlemen handed you a napkin with his name and number.

"Oh thank you" you replied, stunned that this just happened.

"Wow" she mumbled as she ripped the napkin out of your hand as she examined it.

"I feel like that only happens in movies, not here" you both laughed when your manager walks over.

"Tell me what have I missed?" she asked.

As you filled her in on all the gossip, you couldn't wipe the silly little grin off of your face.

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