Chapter 23 - Obsessions

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Hysteria woke up with a start. Today she was going to do the unthinkable. It had been a few weeks since the incident and she had been working on a little something to help her on her excursion.

Hysteria got out of bed and changed into a clean tunic and a pair of adventuring pants paired with some high heeled platform boots. She then walked over to her desk and took the cloak she had been fixing up this past week everyday.

The dog walked in at this moment and started whimpering before Hysteria even got the chance to put the thing on. She kneeled down and patted its head and led it out of the room, closing the door behind it.

She draped the cloak over her back and looked in the mirror on the side of the bed. The outfit was missing something. She looked over to the rack above her desk and grabbed the object. The mask would be perfect for this after all. As soon as she put it on, her face disappeared, just like before. Except she had no time to cry this time.

She pulled the card out of her back pant pocket and started to read it over in her head. A deep breath later, she started chanting. A black smoke formed around her as the room started to alter. Following the directions of the card, she held on tight when the card started to pull and she was soon dragged off with it into the fog.

After a while of walking through the fog, Hysteria started to hear music and seeing lights flashing everywhere like a candle could never achieve. She had done it. She was in the mysterious Siren City.

The lights almost dragged her into the crowd in front of her like a moth to a flame, but she remained focused and walked to where the card wanted to go. She ended up at a bar looking out. People were drinking everywhere and chatting with random strangers they didn't know before they went there.

She suddenly laid eyes upon her. Her legs showing and her tunic different from anything she had ever seen before. Her hair went backwards quickly as she took a drink of her cup. The music changed and she reached for her mask to make sure it was still there.

Hysteria walked over to where she was, making sure not to sit too close. Then she sat down, turning to her, she struck up conversation as they always did in the books she read.

"Hey," Hysteria started, catching Daphne's attention. "Want to dance?" Hysteria reached her hand across the seat in between them and looked into the siren's eyes, dark and very much drunk.

Suddenly, Daphne places her hand in Hysteria's and takes her hand to the dance floor.

Their hands gathered together, Daphne's extra hand put around her neck and Hysteria on the siren's hips.

They call it creeping, I say loving, it's the only way for me

They start dancing just the same as everyone in the room. The room was full of ball dancing siren's hopping for the song to bring them closer together.

Hysteria looked back down at Daphne and saw that she was confused about something. She'll bring it up on her own if she wants to, Hysteria concluded.

I've got a million polaroids with all the dates penned in red ink

Hysteria and Daphne pull closer together.

I sneak a walkie-talkie in your room to listen to you sleep

Daphne reaches her head over Hysteria's head and breathes in her ear.

You just don't know it yet, but you love me and I love you the same

Hysteria dipped Daphne and grabbed her wrist, her actions no longer her own.

We'll be together, yes forever, we will never ever part

Hysteria started singing along, clearly being seen as the man in the group by the song.

You've got those eyes that drive me crazy

And I've got eyes to watch you sleep

Daphne started leading the dance and decided to pop the question after a long time waiting.

"So," She started, "What's the deal with the mask hot stuff?" She said while dragging her hand from Hysteria's neck and down her chest.

"Why don't I show you?"

Hysteria finally broke the trance they were in and brought Daphne outside to the cold, wet air. She looked nervous, looking everywhere but as Daphne.

As soon as she decided that the coast was clear, she looked Daphne deep in the eyes, her eyes darting all over her face, and mask, trying to find any resemblance there.

Hysteria let Daphne's hands drop and reached them up to the mask pulling it down. She had her eyes closed so she didn't see anything, but she could finally feel the smile that rested upon her lips and the blush that had formed on her cheeks.

When she finally opened her eyes Daphne was shocked to say the least. Hysteria decided to shock her more by leaning down and meeting the full red lips with her chapped pink ones.

Testing For Hopeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें