First Day

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Today was the day, today was the first day of rehearsal for the musical Hamilton. I actually can't believe it, I got the role of Eliza Schuyler and to say I was nervous was an understatement, but I just gotta remember that it's not just my first day, it's everyone's.

I hopped out of the shower and got dressed. I put on some leggings, a hoodie, and did some slight makeup. I won't wear too much, just enough to look at least half decent for Lin and the directors, yk, good first impressions.

I quickly had my breakfast and double-checked the time and address it said in the email before grabbing my keys and leaving my apartment, locking the door behind me and making my way to my car.


"This should be it" I said, preparing myself as I got out of my car.

I made my way towards my building and noticed others also walking towards the door, other members of the cast I'm sure.

We walked inside the theatre and took our seats in the audience, waiting for Lin. I had been in a few musicals before, but nothing as big as Hamilton. I wonder what the cast is like? I hope I make some friends today. While waiting, I couldn't help but stare in amazement at the stage, i didn't think it would be ready yet, but it was, and it was phenomenal.

As I was lost in thought I noticed out of the corner of my eye someone sit down in the seat next to me, I looked towards them and noticed them also looking at the stage. She was a gorgeous darker skinned woman with curly black hair.

"Amazing isn't it?" she said, still looking at the stage.

"Yeah, never seen anything like it" I replied, looking back at the stage and letting out a sigh.

She turned towards me and her smile was replaced with a look of realisation.
"Hey, I saw you at auditions," she said, "who are you playing?" She asked curiously

I turned towards her with a smile, "Eliza schuyla, you?" I asked back.

Her face immediately lit up. "oh yay! I'm playing Peggy and Maria." she replied holding out her hand.
"Jasmin Cephas Jones"

I took her hand and shook it lightly.
"Y/n Y/l/n" I said, and as I did, Lin walked out on stage. We all finished up what we were doing and turned our attention to him.

I sat back in my seat as he began talking. "Alright everyone, thank you for coming this morning, and well, welcome to the set of Hamilton!" We all cheered and clapped before Lin started speaking again.

"Ok so I say we jump right into things, so everyone come make your way to the stage so we can all introduce ourselves" he said. We all stood up but paused almost in sync, how do we get on stage? The tech box is in the way and the stage was too elevated to step onto. But just as I was looking around for a door, some dude ran to the side of the stage and leapt onto it, struggling at first before pulling himself up.

"graceful" I said, just loud enough to earn a chuckle from Jasmine.

"well that's one way to do it" Lin started, "but if you want an easier way, the stage door is to your guyses right"

Once we were all on stage, me and jasmine stayed close to each other as everyone took a second to sort of examine each other. It was giving first day of school vibes, kinda strange.

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