The Voice of the Soul Part 12

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A New Song

Jiang YanLi has moved in with the Peacock as soon as she had woken from her coma, give or take the few weeks it took to do it. She and Jin ZiXuan live in a lovely cottage on the outskirts of Shanghai, near enough to the city that it only takes Lan Zhan twenty minutes to get there.

As he exits the cab, there's a shout from Wei Ying's sister. She's leaving her home and running towards him. She's wearing a summer dress that flaps around her calves as she moves. White with pretty little blue buds.

"Hold the cab!" She says urgently. "I'll fill you in on what's happening in the car!"

And just like that, Lan Zhan finds himself in the back seat with Jiang YanLi, who for some reason, cannot stop crying. It is distressing to see and all of Lan Zhan's alarm bells are activated. He suspects this is something to do with Wei Ying, but even if it were not, he would help her anyway, on account of her relationship with Wei Ying.

What is puzzling to him is that The Peacock had been standing on the threshold of their home, looking worried as they left. Why wasn't he coming with them? And entrusting Jiang YanLi to his care? Of course, he's going to look after her but that's hardly the point.

Meanwhile, Jiang YanLi gratefully takes the handkerchief he offers her, and tries to calm down. She's already given the address to the cab driver, now all that remains is a forthcoming explanation.

"We're going to see A-Xian," she whispers quietly, and then she takes Lan Zhan's hand in hers and squeezes it hard.

Lan Zhan has forgotten how to breathe. She laughs when she takes one look at his face.

"I'm so sorry for the cloak-and-dagger routine, but I'm afraid it's totally necessary. Ever since A-Xuan left the company run by his father, we suspect they've been keeping tabs on us. It was only by chance that A-Xuan saw A-Xian and told me, and there's barely any time to explain. But if he's out in the open, then you can bet your life today's the day." She doesn't elaborate further, and Lan Zhan only has a few minutes to text Huaisang where they are going before the cab comes to a stop.

NHS: Why are you at Jin Tower?

Is that where they are?

LZ: I don't know, but get here. Wei Ying will need as many friends as possible.

He looks up as Jiang YanLi doesn't wait for him, instead she's running for the double doors of the building. Lan Zhan quickly pays the driver and his long legs take off after her, easily catching up.

But inside the lobby, the security won't let them through.

The receptionist coldly stares back at them when it's discovered that they don't have an appointment with anyone, let alone Jin GuanShan. Jiang YanLi pleads her case, but the receptionist calls for security.

Just as they think they haven't got a chance of getting up there, wherever Wei Ying might be, and Lan Zhan belatedly thinks that they don't actually know where he is in this hugely ostentatious golden Tower, but that's a minor detail - Lan Zhan is going to find Wei Ying no matter what, come hell or high water, a shout from the elevators has everyone looking up.

It's Mo XuanYu.

"Sorry, they just sent me down to fetch them," he says apologetically to both the receptionist and the burly security guy. "Let them through."

Once they're safely ensconced inside the upwards travelling tin can, Mo XuanYu discreetly jerks his eyes towards the camera in the top left corner.

"I expect you'll be heading for conference room number six. I can show you the way if you're not sure?" He doesn't make full eye contact with them, but Lan Zhan is almost sure he winked.

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