Chapter 30

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As Lucy packed her notebook and script books into her bag, anticipation bubbled within her. The weight of the materials felt reassuring, grounding her amidst the whirlwind of excitement and nerves. With each careful movement, she prepared herself for the journey ahead.

Outside, Minnie's car idled, a familiar sight amidst the bustling cityscape. As Lucy stepped into the vehicle, a sense of camaraderie enveloped her, a reminder of the support system that stood steadfast by her side.

Their journey home was filled with snippets of conversation, Minnie's words of encouragement mingling with Lucy's quiet gratitude. Even though Lucy and her manager, Minne, were acquitted not long ago, they have grown very close due to the minimal age gap between them. Minne, being only two years older than Lucy, feels like both a sister and a friend to her. However, Minne remains unaware of the past connection between Sunghoon, Lucy, and Song Gu.

As they arrived at Lucy's doorstep, Minnie's parting words lingered in the air, a final reminder of the challenges and triumphs that lay ahead.

"Fighting! for the script reading tomorrow," Minnie exclaimed, her voice brimming with confidence. "Let me know if there's anything I can help with."

With a nod of appreciation, Lucy replied, "Sure, thank you for today. Tomorrow at 8 a.m., right?"

Minnie confirmed with a smile, "Right. See you."

After arriving home, Lucy wasted no time in preparing for the script reading the following day. She set her bag down and headed straight for the shower, the warm water washing away the fatigue of the day and invigorating her for the task ahead.

Once rejuvenated, Lucy settled at her table, the script book poised before her like a hidden treasure awaiting discovery. With palpable anticipation, she gingerly turned the pages, her heart quickening at the sight of the cast list.

There, in stark black and white, were the names that reverberated through her being-Sung Hoon and Song Gu, starring as the main male leads. The weight of their presence hit her like an unexpected storm, sending shockwaves rippling through her.

In the aftermath of her revelation, Lucy's lips parted, whispering a question to the universe, "What other surprises do you have in store?" Her voice carried a tinge of apprehension, swiftly overshadowed by her mantra, "All good things."

With unwavering determination, Lucy refocused her attention on the script, immersing herself in its pages as she braced for the upcoming reading. Yet, as the night wore on and she sought solace in her bed, sleep remained elusive. Her mind was experiencing cognitive dissonance..., from the serendipitous encounter with her former tutor/ex crush to the daunting prospect of working alongside her ex-boyfriend and Song Gu in the drama.

"This is quite the mercury retrograde," she mused, her frustration palpable. "I hope it's over soon."

Amidst her restless state, a sudden realization struck her with the force of a revelation. She had landed a role in the very drama that Song Gu and Sung Hoon had discussed before-an unexpected twist that only added to the complexity of her situation. As she grappled with this new layer of intrigue, Lucy found herself suspended between the echoes of yesteryear and the mysteries of tomorrow, a silent witness to the enigmatic journey unfolding before her.


As the morning light filtered through her window, Lucy found herself ensnared in a web of apprehension. The looming prospect of facing Sung Hoon, a man whose heart she had broken, weighed heavily on her mind. Thoughts whirled in a chaotic dance-how should she approach him? Should she acknowledge their shared past, or pretend it never existed? The weight of uncertainty pressed down on her, an invisible burden that threatened to suffocate her spirit.

Suddenly, her phone chimed, breaking the oppressive silence of her thoughts. "Lucy, I'm downstairs," Minnie's voice echoed through the receiver, a beacon of reassurance in the midst of her turmoil. With a deep breath, Lucy gathered her resolve, summoning the courage to confront the challenges that lay ahead.

"I'll be right there," she replied, her voice betraying none of the turmoil raging within. With measured steps, Lucy descended the stairs, each footfall echoing the tumult of her mind. As she reached the waiting car, she offered a tentative smile to Minnie, silently pleading for strength and guidance in the face of uncertainty.

Minnie's understanding gaze met hers, a silent reassurance that they were in this together. With a nod of acknowledgment, Lucy settled into the car, the engine purring to life as they embarked on their journey. As the city streets slipped by in a blur, Lucy couldn't help but ponder the mysteries that lay ahead, each passing moment carrying her closer to an uncertain fate.


Thunk! Sung Hoon closed the car door. As Sung Hoon settled into the back seat of the car, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the impending script reading, his manager's voice broke through the silence like a sudden gust of wind.

"Hyun, are we ready? Then we'll depart now," Sung Hoon's manager called out from the front seat, his gaze locking back onto Sung Hoon in the rearview mirror.

Sung Hoon nodded, his attention diverted momentarily as he rifled through the bag on the seat beside him. "Let's go. Wait, can you hand me my script first?" he requested, his tone tinged with urgency. "I've been so busy with fan meetings I didn't even have the chance to read it. I need to skim it over on the go."

As Sung Hoon's manager reached for the script book on the dashboard, Sung Hoon's mind raced with anticipation, thoughts of the day's events swirling like a tempest in his mind. "By the way, are all the casts confirmed?" he inquired; his curiosity piqued.

His manager hesitated for a moment before responding, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "About that, Hyun, actually I was about to tell you earlier, but I didn't want to disturb you with your fan meeting yesterday..."

Sung Hoon's brow furrowed in confusion, his gaze locking onto his manager's face as he awaited an explanation while holding the script book his manager handed. "What is it?" he prompted; his voice laced with curiosity.

Taking a deep breath, Sung Hoon's manager broached the topic with caution. "There is a new actress in the supporting role, the second female lead role," he revealed, his words hanging in the air like a heavy fog. "It is Lucy, Hyun."

A stunned silence descended upon the car as Sung Hoon processed the unexpected news. His face was a mask of disbelief as he struggled to comprehend what he had just heard. "Who?" he questioned, his voice barely above a whisper.

His manager repeated the name, the weight of the revelation sinking in with each passing second. "Lucy," he confirmed, his tone somber yet resolute.

With trembling hands, Sung Hoon turned the page of the script book, his eyes scanning the lines until they landed on her name-Lucy. However, his gaze was immediately drawn to another name just above hers-Song Gu. The realization hit him like a tidal wave, washing over him with a mixture of shock and disbelief.


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