The Fuck?

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Hi :)


*Nalo's POV*

Ughhhh. Why did I think it was a good idea to drink. 

You know exactly why. 

Yeah she was hot an all but I coulda just told her I'm here with friends or somethin. 

You don't have friends. 

I do! I got uhhhh, ya know human pinky pie. 

Her name is Evangalyne. 

Yeah Eva! She's a friend. 

We both know you are not close. 

I mean we kinda are... 

Wait who are you!?!? Did I finally go insane. Damn was Mom right all those years!?!

I am a temporary cognitive construct created to guide and maintain your, currently unstable, sanity.

Soooooooooo... insane? Yes? No? 

No you are not 'insane', this may change depending on how this operation and subsequent transfer occurs.

Wait, wha-what's this about a operation? AM I HURT! Fuuuuuckkkk I didn't even drink that much!

Pardon my lapse in judgment, I did not take into consideration the psychological effects of talking to a incorporeal voice, would you like to speak with a physical entity?

Yes please


"Hello I'am construct D-5318008"

Hehe, boobies 

"Uh, hi I'm Nola"

D-5318008: I have been sent to tell you of your current situation. As of this moment you are being sent to the planet Etheria. There you will live out your days in a new body of thinking meat

"Wait, wait *Doin the little arm waving* First off sent? To Etheria like thefictionalrealityIconstatlydaydreamaboutbeingin or something else?"

D-5318008: Yes you will be sent to the 'fictional reality'

Okay wow...that's fucking awesome! I wonder if I'm being isekaid... naw, I didn't die, Right? Eh, fine either way *mental shrug*

"And secondly, Meat?

D-5318008: Yes, thinking meat. Conscious meat. Loving meat. Dreaming meat. The meat is the whole deal! Are you getting the picture?

"I mean... *eyes wide* yeah I think I get it"

D-5318008: Thank you, your new meat goes by the name of 'Light Spinner' currently know as 'Shadow Weaver' by her associates.

SHADOW WEAVER!?!? I have to be in that bitches body!

 D-5318008: Be advised that you will have all memories of past life, they will be locked in place signifying that you will never forget-

"Wait I could have just like, fOrGoTten!?"

D-5318008: Yes, it was a distinct possibility, as this has happened many times in the past, luckily the problem kept escalating to the point that A€M!£$+£§ took notice and locked memories within people's mind, so as to keep sanity, morals, and consistency. 

"Welp *doing a big ole P* glad I get fuckin files in my head"

D-5318008: May I continue Nalo?

"Yeah go ahead, keep revealing life shattering shit"

D-5318008: As I was saying you will be sent to, and I quote, "The time when Adora gets snatched and Catras off the fuckin radar"

"PReParE                                     FOr                                eXtrEMe                                    pAIn"


Then I feel something, it kinda itches. Just scratch it, don't worry. Then it gets worse, it starts with itching on my back, but it doesn't stop it spreads. I start writhing on the floor trying to scratch the itchiness away. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!!!!!"

It get worse, now its pin pricks, thousands of tiny pricks all over, CONSTANTLY. Is this Hell, I wasn't that bad Right? Then it gets worse and worse. It feels as if every inch of my body is covered in 2nd degree burn. Then, what feels Ike an eternity later, it just stops.

Then I black out.


That was fun :p

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