"Twins, grab the legs!" Ashlyn ordered, "Ben, you stab it!"

The twins did the exact thing Ashlyn ordered and grabbed the phantoms legs.

Ben then grabbed some large scissors and stabbed the phantom right in the back.

The phantom then spit out blood and started to go limp.

Ashlyn sighed in relief, now that the phantom was gone.

"Hey dude, you alright? Can you move?" Tyler asked you.

Aiden then looked over the seat with black phantom blood all over his face.

"Yeah, we should probably hurry and patch her up." Aiden said with a smile.

Everybody was jump scared by the black blood on Aiden's face.

You then lifted up your shirt to show everybody the scratch.

"How bad is it?" You asked while trembling.

You were too scared to look at the scar so the others checked for you.

It was obvious the scar was bad because of the faces they were making.

They were all sweating in guilt, Ben, Tyler, Logan, and Taylor were looking away, while Aiden and Ashlyn looked head on.

"It's hard to tell with all the blood. We need to clean it." Ashlyn explained.

"Why aren't you guys saying anything? It's bad isn't it? It hurts really bad!" You started to tear up even more.

"It's okay, it's okay! Calm down." Ashlyn was trying to soothe you down, "here, some pain meds from the first aid."

"Ben, can you clean and bandage her up?" Ashlyn asked.

Ben nodded and started to get his med kit out.

After he was done you laid down on the seat and sighed.

"Atleast you have a sick scar now!" Aiden said trying to lighten the mood.

You just stared at him with red puffy eyes.

Ashlyn then rolled her eyes and continued, "guess that means the Savannah conversation is on hold for now."

Tyler then rolled his eyes and got up from the seat, "Fine, then let's decide what to do with the phantom."

Everybody got up and surrounded the phantom while you were slowly falling asleep.

"So what do we do?" Tyler asked.

"...good question." Ashlyn wondered, "this is the first time we've killed one."

"Maybe we could experiment with it? See what is most effective in dealing damage to the body." Taylor suggested.

"Well, since it's dead, let's take a closer look!" Aiden grinned while flashing it with his phone light.

The phantoms body started to sizzle up and pop while the light was on it.

Everybody was startled and started backing up.

"Turn it off!!" Tyler gasped.

"Okay, okay!!" Aiden then trembled while turning off the flashlight, he still had his grin.

The phantom then calmed down but even more blood dripped out of the phantom.

Time skip

You then woke up after taking a quick nap.

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