[023]~ 𝒮𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝒰𝓃𝓇𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓁

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Odessa had snuck out to go for a midnight swim then sat looking at the bright night sky. What a poor decision that was.

With the full moon came many unforeseen dangers. One of which was standing only a short few meters away from her.
A rampant werewolf who seemed to have unfortunately caught her in its eye.

She should've listened to Remus. He was right in telling her the woods are dangerous at night. He told her not to go out when there was a full moon. Why didn't she listen?

She stood still, trying to think of something while not drawing any attention to herself. To her misfortune, it already had its sight set on her.
Suddenly, it broke into a sprint, making haste her way.

Was this it? Would her journey end here? Surely not. Surely she didn't spend all that time waiting for nothing.

Or maybe this was it. Maybe this was how it should be. She never deserved to keep going, not after the incident. She never should have hoped for a bright turnaround. Despite all odds, she got it. She didn't deserve it, it only made sense for it to end now.

As the girl began coming to terms with her upcoming demise, she was saved by an oddly familiar large black dog jumping in front and attacking the werewolf.

As the black dog fought back the werewolf, she noticed a large majestic stag making its way toward her quickly. Perhaps he too was trying to run from the predator before them. She felt sorry for the stag; if she could somehow make it up to the castle she would be safe, this deer had nowhere safe to go. She gently pet the creature as it paused by her side.

The stag was clearly loving her touch, but he stepped back out of her reach anyway. He kept gesturing his head, as if telling her to follow him. Maybe it would lead her to safe place to hide. Quietly, she began to follow the buck.

Curiously, she looked back to see how the dog was faring; she knew dogs often tried to fight off bigger animals, but surely this wouldn't bode well for the furry pup. As she turned back, she saw the dog being flung by the werewolf into a nearby tree. She breathed a sigh of relief as she saw it stand back up, though, her nerves raised once again as she saw it trying to make its way back to the werewolf, limping along the way as one of its front paws was held up, clearly injured.

The werewolf turned its attention back onto the girl and the deer. It broke into a sprint after them.
Noticing this, the stag bucked her onto his back and rushed through the forest onto the quad. She clung to the stag for dear life. She looked back again to see if the lycanthrope was catching up.
It was still a fair distance, but it was gaining on them. It had nearly caught up when a little rat scurried towards them and tripped up the werewolf, causing it to tumble and allowing Odessa and the stag to get away.

She should have listened. She shouldn't have gone out. What would Remus think if he knew she got into this predicament? Sirius would probably say he told her so, but Remus would be so disappointed in her. At least Peter would try to be kind. She didn't even want to think of what James would do. She couldn't tell them. This deer, which somehow knew to run her towards the castle, would lead her back up and she would go to bed like nothing happened.

She loathed to think what could have happened to her if the stag hadn't run her all the way back to safety. Maybe she could find a place for it to stay in around the creature reserve to avoid the werewolf.

As she thought, she gently stroked the stag's antlers. They were long and strong, they looked so polished and clean. He was elegant as ever. One of the antlers was even decorated. It was adorned with a... familiar looking gold band.

She stared in confusion. How did this stag have the same scrunchie she gave James at the first quidditch game? She shook her head, she was being silly. James wouldn't just throw out her good luck charm. No, she saw him wearing it at the game he played against Hufflepuff only last week. Perhaps it was just a coincidence?

𝔄𝔟𝔯𝔞 𝔎𝔢𝔡𝔞𝔳𝔯𝔞 ~ ᴹᴬᴿᴬᵁᴰᴱᴿˢ ᴱᴿᴬ {R.A.B.} {J.P}Where stories live. Discover now