Ch. 23) Devoted

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I tapped on my glass, as i waited in anticipation. The taste and smell of lipstick filled my senses as I chewed on my lip. I had to take off of work early today for this, so he better show up.

"Just you today Mrs.?" The waitress questioned, as she pulled out her notepad to take my order. "Uh, no actually my friend should be here soon." I smiled, watching her nod and walk off. My friend.. I was calling him my friend now. I face-palmed in my head just trying to focus on anyone but the man I was about to see.

"Hey, Y/n." He spoke, earning my attention right away. Suguru sat in front of me, smiling from ear to ear. He was here.

"God it's so good to see you." He quickly scooted closer to me, picking up my hand to kiss it. I smiled, just happy to see him. Happy to know he was trying.

"How are you Sugi?" I questioned, waving the waitress back over. His eyes widened at the nick name that slipped out like an old habit. It actually felt foreign. He seemed nervous.

"I'm okay. I'm getting there." He smiled, tucking a lose strand of hair behind his ear. I smiled, nodding before we both ordered our drinks and appetizers. I had texted him yesterday after work, like Gojo had suggested and set up a date where we could talk about things. I figured it was harder to be angry and hostile in public so this felt smart.

"You look so beautiful Y/n." He smiled, letting his eyes linger on my figure.

"Thank you. Uh, this was the dress that I wore to the ceremony." I smiled, looking down at the pretty red color. He wore a nice black button down dress shirt and black jeans. His hair was pulled back in the typical man bun, and yes. He was absolutely gorgeous.

"Your hair looks different, did you do something to it?" He questioned, tilting his head as he analyzed it.

"I did actually. Uh, I dyed it last night as a last minute thing. You should see my bathroom right now." I giggled thinking of the mess and the newly colored bathtub. He giggled too.

"Wow, it's beautiful. It fits your skin tone perfectly, and makes your eyes stand out." He smiled. I felt my face get red and hot, and the core between my legs was already pulsing. What the hell was wrong with me.

The waitress quickly came back to take our orders, and surprisingly we ordered the same thing.

"So, Gojo told me about what you've been doing lately." I put my fork down to rest as I took a sip of my drink. His eyes moved from his food to me.

"Y/n, I can explain." He stated, nervously.

"No need Sugi. I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you." I smiled, placing my hand over his for a brief moment. His cheeks grew a faint shade of red, before I pulled away.

"What? But how did he tell you? I thought you guys weren't fond of each other?" He questioned.

"Well he came to me, apologizing for his antics at the ceremony before we talked about you. He told me everything. We talked about our fight and the break up. He told me how hard you want to fix things." I smiled, just thinking about the man before me. Thinking about all of the good memories we had shared together. 

"I actually requested for him not to tell you..." He spoke, quieter this time as he poked at his food.

"What? Why?" I questioned, genuinely confused.

"Because, I didn't want you to think that I was only doing it to make myself look good, to get you back. I mean of course I want to be with you again, but I want to make it right. There's only so many chances that someone can get. And I'm lucky that you love me enough to give me another one. So I want to do it right." His eyes paused on mine, just taking in my expression. I was so happy, I could throw up. I didn't know what to say.

"Wow, Sugaru."

"Good wow, or bad wow?" He questioned, sitting back in his chair.

"Shocked wow. I just can't believe you'd be so selfless. Not that you're vein but you kind of were." I shrugged, wincing at the back handed compliment.

He just smiled. "I know. I was selfish with you." He looked down at his plate, now concentrating on the food in front of him.

"Isn't what you're doing now dangerous though?"

"Yes it is. What I was doing before was dangerous too. Now I'm trying to make things better. But it's worth it. Because yes like those sorcerers, I have someone I want to protect now. It's you. And that will make me happy. Seeing you happy Y/n, will make me happy." He spoke in a sincere manner, not breaking eye contact once as he talked to me. No yelling, no dagger eyes, just us two talking like we used to.

I swallowed, unsure of what to say again.

"You guys ready for the bill?" The waitress was back, taking our empty plates.

"Yes, I'll take it please." He smiled, excusing himself to go pay at the front counter of the restaurant. I smiled back before checking my phone.

Notification Center:
Gojo🙄: Hope your date is going well 😈😘😉

I rolled my eyes giggling to myself before watching Suguru again. I missed this. Talking to him, thinking about him, just watching him as the minutes went by. I missed being in a relationship with him and doing romantic things, even the intimate things. I missed everything about him, but most of all, I missed the way he held me when he told me he loved me. The way he would look into my eyes before he would kiss me with so much passion, that I was sure it would burn.

"Ready to go?" He made his way back over, offering me his hand as I got out of the chair.

"Yes, thank you Suguru." I took it, letting it go before we exited the building.

"So, uh. How'd you get here?"

"Oh, I took the subway." I answered, immediately earning his attention.

"What? Don't you know how dangerous that can be, Y/n." His eyes were darker now. I noticed that they did that when I talked about dangerous situations or when he got angry.

"Sugi, you forget that I don't live far from here. It's okay really." I put my arm on his, reassuring him.

"Maybe for you, not for me. Come on. I'm taking you home." He pulled out of my grip, putting his arm on my waist as he escorted me to his car. His CAR?! What?! We used to walk everywhere but now he has a car??

He opened the passenger door for me, closing it after I sat. I took a minute to admire the interior design as he made his way to the driver's side.

"When did you get a car?" I questioned, earning a small grin from him. "A couple weeks ago. I was traveling a lot." He answered. I felt a small bubble churn in my stomach, definitely the feeling of anxiety.

"So uh... I have a question." I picked at my fingernails. I really wasn't looking forward to this conversation... But I needed to know. 

"You can ask me anything Y/n." he glanced at me before putting his eyes back on the road.

"Were you with anyone else..? Like while we were apart?" I questioned, hoping for the best answer possible. My heart was beating in my throat.

"What? No, no. Of course not, Y/n." His gaze was on me again for a brief moment, sorrow and desperation in his eyes as his eyebrows drew together. "Nobody else is you. You're the only thing that's ever on my mind anymore. You're my pretty girl." I nodded as I stayed looking down, picking at my fingernails, before Sugaru's hand reached down to interlock our fingers. I felt my body tingle at the sensation of our skin on each other.

He paused for a moment, before picking my hand up and pressing his lips to the back of my hand. 

Butterflies took over every inch of my body.

Devotingly Yours~{Geto Sugaru x Reader}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat