Chapter 17

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"I don't think it's going to come out" the girl replied. Athena rolled her eyes and turned back to the sink to continue washing her heels.

The girl floated high above Athena, looking down at her with a thoughtful expression. Suddenly the  bathroom lights turned off, leaving only the sunlight shining through the window.

Athena turned to face the ghost, "Why would Matteo spread such a rumor about me?" She asked "It doesn't only harm my reputation but also his."

The girl floated near the bathroom mirror, looking at her reflection. She then spoke, "I don't think it harms his reputation. People probably think he's " "cool" for that." Her response met with a look of confusion from Athena. "But why would he involve Theodore too? What does he have to do with this?" Athena asked.

The ghost replied, "I think Matteo is just jealous because Theodore was too nice to you. There were multiple rumors about him two years ago, so maybe Matteo is trying to sabotage him a bit." Athena sighed "Is there anything I can do about it?" she asked.

The girl simply shrugging her shoulders. Suddenly, she started to fade away, disappearing into the shadows of the bathroom. "You'll just have to wait," her voice echoed "until they don't care anymore."

Athena finished her shower, stepping out of the bathroom. She put on a black pleated mini skirt and a white knitted sweater, but as she was about to leave her room, she came to the conclusion, that it was the best to not spend the time in the common room.

Instead, she decided to take a walk outside. She snuck out of the building and made her way to the Stone Circle. The sun was shining on her face, warming her skin despite the cool air. The fresh air calmed her mind.

She gasped as she saw a hippogryph flying over the Forbidden forest, they were majestic Animals who were half Horse and half Eagle.

Athena gazed at it until she heard a voice „He's beautiful isn't he?" he asked „Draco got once
attacked by one in the 3th year."

Athena remained silent, he spoke up „Are you feeling better?" he asked. Athena slowly turned around and looked at his blue eyes „Aren't you concerned about the rumors?" she asked.

He shrugged his shoulders „They're gonna forget about it." she replied „But how long will it take?"
He thought a second about it „Well if Mattheo keeps stirring the rumor it may take a month or two" he replied.

Athena let out a little gasp „Month or two!? that's way to long shouldn't we do something about it" she asked „Maybe we could convince him to tell the truth."

He shrugged his shoulders again, not replying. Athena rolled her eyes „Respond to me" she demanded, he replied „Athena I know he's annoying, but he's my friend and I know him since years very well" he explained „let him have his fun, he always does these kind of things."

Athena's jaw was wide open „He always does these kind of things? And you're letting sliding it? Aren't you supposed to confront him as his friend, it's definitely not okay" she explained furious.

He just started at her, „not very talkative heh?" she asked „Fine if you won't do it, I'll do it."

She left back inside letting him stand alone at the stone circle. She walked over to the Hufflepuff Common room, as she tried to enter she got stopped.

Woah you're definitely not entering here" she got confronted by a Hufflepuff student, Athena glanced at him with confusion „What why? I was always allowed to enter."

But now you're not" he replied „With these actions you did definitely not." Athena shook her head „If someone random had a rumor about a threesome it would be totally okay, but if it's a rumor about me it's not?" she asked „Besides, why would y'all care?"

He shrugged his shoulders „No one wants you in there." Athena got furious and left to the Slytherin common room, she wanted to directly confront Mattheo. As she entered the common room she saw Mary and Lilith sitting on the couch.

Athena ran over to them, "Thank god y'all are here! Y'all believe me, right? Not the rumors about me?"

Lilith looked at her with a disgusted expression and said, "You're crazy. Leaving me alone at the party and then messing with my ex-boyfriend? Unbelievable." She took a step closer, getting right in Athena's face.

Athena's eyes widened with shock and fear as Lilith took a step closer. "What? No, Lilith! Believe me, I would never do such a thing with Theodore or Matteo!" she said, her voice filled with desperation. She tried to justify herself.

Athena glanced at Mary, who stood up and walked towards her. Mary didn't say anything, but she put her hands on Athena's shoulders and slowly pushed her back.

Athena's moved backwards, away from Mary, until she felt the warmth from the fireplace behind her. When she looked behind her, she saw the fireplace burning brightly. Mary quickly pushed Athena violently into the fire, the flames hugged Athena's body, wrapping around her.

The heat was intense, burning her skin and clothing as it spread over her body. She tried to struggle free, but the flames held on tightly, pulling her closer and closer to them. Athena's vision was gone by the intense heat, and she couldn't see anything except for the flames that surrounded her.

Suddenly she didn't feel hot at all anymore, „is this the afterlife? did I got eaten up by the fire" she murmured to herself weakly.

She heard a voice „Finally you're awake" Athena flinched „God? Is that you?" she asked. „Open your eyes" he demanded. Athena opened her eyes, she noticed she was back in Theodore's dorm room.

But left in her clothes from the Hufflepuff party, she looked over at Theodore sitting in a armchair.
What time is it?" she asked. He looked at his watch „3:56am" he replied „You're lucky I've found you."

Athena shook her head, still confused. "Wait, but I got pushed into the fireplace! Why am I here?" She asked the boy. He looked at her in confusion. "Are you still high? You stumbled out of the Hufflepuff common room and blacked out. I brought you here." He explained to her, his tone sounding cold.

Athena's throat was dry, and her voice was hoarse when she asked, "So there's no rumor?" He stood up and walked towards her, clearly annoyed. "You're wasted," he demanded. "Get up, and go back to your own dorm." Athena got up slowly, feeling the effects of the Witchbane root, although not as intensely as before.

Athena's eyes widened "Whoa, no need to be rude," she said, her voice barely more than a whisper as she picked up her heels. Theodore rolled his eyes and replied, "I'm not rude, you're just needy. Now leave."

As Athena left the Hufflepuff common room quietly, she realized that everything what happened was just a nightmare.

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