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???:wake up...

I felt pain across my face. My eyes opened and there was light, bright light. There was ringing in my ears and I felt blocked up so I couldn't smell. I was blinded.

???:it will take a few seconds for the drugs to ware off. I told them not to use much but you were feisty

As time went on I could see her. I could smell Mother. I was chained to the wall behind me and she was standing above me.

Lyla:look at you...his spitting image

I looked down. I wouldn't give her anything. Never again.

Lyla:why are you here? I thought you would of ran with those other failures

Don't. Give. In.

Lyla:but instead you chose to fight...even after he died to save you


I pulled against the chain and I started to cry. I gave in.

Blue:just because he didn't love you! You took it out on us!

She smirked. were failures. I never loved him either, I needed him to make you and in the end. I wasted my time...but I will admit you brought me a very interesting specimen

I remembered. Indo... he?

Lyla:I know that actually care for that lab bred monster


Lyla:keep telling yourself that

She turned her back.

Lyla:I'll show you what he really is

She clicked her fingers. I heard dragging and two sets of footsteps. When the blurry vision finally went away I saw him...Indo. He was on the floor of the metal cage that had been wheeled inside.


I tries to get closer. I needed too...I don't know what I'd do to help but if I could just...

Lyla:do you know why he was made? Do be a killer! Here...let me show you

One of the gaurds aimed their weapons at me and a red dot came on. I've been down the barrel of a gun before and I wasn't afraid.

Blue:all he'll do is kill you when he wakes up

He hast to

Lyla:oh no it's not for you...

Indos eyes slowly opened and he sat up.

Blue:Indo? Indo!?

He took one glance toward me.


A high pitched noise went off and he covered his ears in pain.

Blue:stop it! STOP IT!

He states back at me with his eyes wide and slit even more. He transformed and tried bending the bars, he snarled and bit and did whatever he could to get out.

Blue:what are you doing to him?

Lyla shrugged.

Lyla:what? It's just his real nature. Didn't you know?

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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