xPART 21x

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Harry's comment had Sebastian sitting up and putting his book down in interest. Castor uncoiled and slithered to the floor to transform. He stood next to the bed and cupped Harry's face, tilting it up a bit to look into his eyes.

Castor: You'll do fine, I promise.

Sebastian: Can the three of us watch? I assume 'Mione already has permission since she's here and all.

Castor: She does, and yes, you may stay. Just don't interfere.

All of them nodded and the boys stayed on their beds, while Hermione sat on the floor in front of Sebastian's bed. Castor, his hands still cupping Harry's face, spoke up again.

Castor: When do you want me to shift with you?

Harry smiled and gently touched Castor's wrist.

Harry: You'll know when.

And with that, Harry closed his eyes and began to transform.

A/N: I know this is a very short part and I haven't posted in a while but I'm posting several more parts today, so don't worry too much. I felt like a short chapter was the best way to go about this little scene so that was how it ended up being really short. Thank you all for your patience and I hope you continue to like the story. Bye, Darlings!

P.S. Yeesh, only 214 words. Must to better, Wren, must do better!

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