xPART 17x

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The seven friends found an empty classroom and as soon as the door was closed, Castor was dropping to the floor and transformed. Neville and Blaise flinched at the sight of him and he looked at them, noticing the movement, but looked away uninterested. Instead, he sat down on the floor, behind Harry, and wrapped his arms around his waist. There was silene for a few moments, then Castor broke it.

Castor: You're sleeping as a cat tonight.

Harry sputtered.

Harry: What?! No?! What if I can't shift back in the morning?! What if my cat's mind takes over and he doesn't want to shift back?! What if-

Castor: Stop.

Harry stopped rambling and slumped back against Castor.

Castor: These thoughts are exactly why you will. If you sleep in your cat form and shift the next morning, you can be sure that you won't get stuck. Trust me. I did this when my first transformation made me nervous. You'll do fine and all of your worries will fade away. I promise.

Harry: And you'll shift with me?

Castor: Of course.

Hermione (Whispering to Neville + Blaise): This is the soft side I told you about. Isn't it so cute?

Castor: I can hear you.

Harry (Giggling): You should've seen him at the Ministry. Now, that was cute.

Hermione: Ooooooo, do tell!

Castor: No, do not tell. Let me stay moody and scary.

Harry: Oh, no, I'm totally telling her how a single whine from a distressed me makes you go all softy and nicknames.

Hermione: Yes! Drama and cuteness!

Castor: Noooooooo! Stooooooooooop!

Ignoring Castor's protests, Harry proceeded to tell everyone everything that happened.

(A/N: I know this chapter is pretty short but there wasn't much to write between Harry and McGonagall's return to Hogwarts and Ron's scolding before dinner. I hope you liked it either way. Talk to you next chapter, Darlings!)

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