xPART 8x

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Neville was in the middle of pulling his black jumper on, Blaise having had already finished when he had a thought.

Neville: You know, Harry, you act a bit like a mother.

Harry (confused): What?

Blaise: He’s right. Even with near strangers, like us, you’re very caring, responsible, and organized. It’s like you have maternal instincts or something.

Neville: Yeah, and when you were calming Castor down, you knew exactly what to say and do. So, in a way, you act like a mother.

Blaise: If we decide to stay friends throughout the years, you’ll need a motherly nickname, like “Momarry” or something.

Harry: “Momarry”?

Blaise: Yeah. Mom, Harry. Momarry.

Harry: Well, I’m not sure I like that one, but let's wait until we can get Hermione’s input before we make any final decisions.

Harry got changed after getting Castor off his lap, not without some loud grumbling, and Hermione returned to the compartment not too long after he finished. On the way back, Hermione had run into a kind 3rd year who informed her that they would arrive at the train station in about 20 minutes.

Hermione: She also told me about the sorting ceremony. She said that Professor McGonagall places an old, talking wizard hat on our heads and it announces what house your in. Isn’t that cool, Harry?!

Harry: That is cool!

Neville: By the way, Hermione, Blaise, and I wanted your opinion on an idea we had.

Hermione: What is it Neville, Blaise?

Blaise: Well, since Harry acts all motherly around the three of us, we, that is, Neville and I, were thinking about giving Harry a nickname.

Neville: Do you have any suggestions?

Harry: Guy’s, it’s fine! You don’t have to give me a nickname.

Hermione (thinking): You're right, Blaise, he does act like that. Well, since you're asking for suggestions, “Charm”  or “Charmer” comes to mind.

Blaise: How is THAT fitting in any way?

Hermione: Do I really have to explain it to you? Harry’s naturally CHARMing personality, his maternal CHARM, his constant natural CHARM. Must I go on?

Neville: She has very good points, Blaise. I vote for “Charm”.

Harry: I don’t know if I’m allowed to vote on my nickname, but “Charm” sounds a lot better than “Momarry”. Just saying.

Blaise: Alright, yes, it was a silly suggestion, and yes, they are all good points. I guess “Charm” it is then.

Hermione: Maybe we could all have nicknames.

Neville: But we don’t know a lot about each other yet.

Harry: We could always work them out AS we get to know each other.

Hermione: Yes, that’s a great idea! We’ll have to find a time when we can all hang out and get to know each other, in case we’re too busy or we’re all in different houses, though.

Blaise: I bet you’ll be in Ravenclaw and Neville will be in Hufflepuff. Harry… Harry might be in Hufflepuff too, but I’m not 100% sure. I’ll definitely be in Slytherin, that’s for certain.

The train began to slow down as it entered the station. Harry rubbed Castor’s shoulder to get him up again and once he was awake, he transformed into his snake form. Harry put him around his shoulders and the quartet exited the compartment at the same time as everyone else.

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