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Two years later, the two of them had a baby girl named Rene who was wailing out crying, which Serena was trying to quiet down but to not avail.

"Yusei can I have some help here Rene won't stop fussing." Serena said with a pleading voice

He came into the room to take his daughter out of her hands, who was crying, but stopped when he held her. Serena pouted. Yusei chuckled a bit.

"This is no fair, how come she only is quiet for you?!"

"I don't know, maybe its a bit early to say...but she might be starting to father-daughter bond" Yusei said with a grin

Serena rolled her eyes before she crossed her arms. "Why do I get the feeling I'm going to be unloved in this family?"

After Yusei got their daughter to sleep he pulled her into him and kissed her on the lips. "Now that's crap, you know very well that I love you Serena, don't you ever think otherwise."

She kissed him back and sighed slightly. "Yeah...Alright. I guess you're right."

"Guess?" He asked raising an eyebrow at her

"Mhm, words are just words." She said pulling away from him leaving the room.

He rose an eyebrow at her. "Is that so?"

"Yep, night Yusei." She said before she went to their bed room.

Yusei blinked his eyes a few times confused before he shook it off and went into the bedroom after her. She yelped out as she saw him behind her only to get picked up and placed onto their bed. She didn't have time to recover from being thrown onto the bed as he had towered over her and kissed her on the lips, she happily kissed him back as she felt him strip her of her skirt and panties. 

Yusei didn't waste time with her as he slipped his fingers inside of her. She mewled out into his lips as he curved his fingers deeply inside of her until she released against them, afterwards he slipped her blouse and bra off of her body. "You know I'll always love you right?"

"I know, you've proven it within the last two years. I just wished that taking care of a child wasn't so difficult."

"She's only one years old sweetie, it's going to take her time to form a bond with you. Especially since you work more than I do."

Hearing what he said she realized that she was going back to her old ways again. "I...I'm turning back to being a workaholic again....aren't I?"

Yusei chuckled hearing that she finally realized her own mishap. "It's about time you figured that out Rena."

She stuck her tongue out at him only for him to kiss her on the lips as he undressed himself of his pants and boxers. "Keep acting out like this and we'll end up with another child." He spoke lowly to her

"W-Would it be so bad for us to have more then one child?"

He let out a sigh before he smiled at her. "Do you think you can deal with two children Serena?"

"I...I can quit my job, both of us shouldn't be working. With just one of our jobs we've been pretty steady and afloat around here. S-So I can bond with Rene and whatever child comes from us. I...I don't mind."

"Well if that's the case then I hope you're ready to place those words into action Serena, I've been holding myself back from you because of the fear of what it might do to you."

"I'll quit my job tomorrow morning I promise."

He smiled at her. "Alright then. Hold on tightly sweet heart. You're not getting out of this any time soon."

She did as he asked her only for him to move fully inside of her making both of them moan out loudly. "Y-Yusei..." She moaned out before he kissed her passionately on the lips

He let out a low groan as he held onto his bed frame with one hand and her hip with the other. Serena instantly wrapped her legs around his waist as her arms went around his neck, one lacing the back of his hair as the other was holding onto his back as his thrusts into her were rough and deep inside of her. Serena could barely keep the kiss with him due to the amount of pleasure she was receiving from him.

Yusei kissed down from her lips to her neck to between her breasts as he made his mark on her there. After he made his mark upon her body he kissed up to by her left ear.

"I know you can be louder Rena, don't make me be forceful with you." Yusei spoke lowly to her as he held onto her hip tighter

Serena moaned out loudly, unable to speak audibly due to the amount of pleasure she was feeling from him. He let out a small low chuckle knowing that he had placed her through a daze of pleasure that she couldn't get out of. As he got her to release against him, he pulled her up and had her be on top of him as he held her hips tightly. He gave her a passionate kiss on the lips getting her out of the daze she was in.

Yusei didn't need to say a word to her as she moved on top of him, making him be the one moaning as he moved himself up half way to meet her movements down onto him. The more she moved onto him, the messier the thrusts became between them. Neither one of them lasted long as they came one after the other. Yusei could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn't ready to stop, so he took over placing her chest first into his bed as he slipped into her from behind as he held onto her hands tightly.

Serena moaned out loudly as he groaned out against her neck. "Say you love me and I'll move sweet heart. You shouldn't have said what you had earlier, there was no need to think that you aren't loved. By me or anyone else."

"I...I love you Yusei, P-Please move!" Serena begged out with a whine

Yusei didn't need to be told twice as he went from moving slowly into her to going as fast as his body could allow him to go. Making both her and the bed under them moan and cry out until her voice cracked. "Y-Yusei!"

It wasn't long afterwards that they both came and lied together on their bed. 

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