ACT 2 - Chapter 21

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He nods and closes the blinds to the office window. "Very well. It has come to my attention that you will be attending the meeting at the Jade Chamber today. While I do have knowledge on where The Gate could be, I have recently discovered that the Qixing have a record of its exact location. It's written on a manuscript saved from after the Archon war. It belonged to a dear friend of mine who was interested in the place to study it and use it as shelter, however, they couldn't open the Gate by themselves."

"Wow... That's incredible... How did they find it? And how come you didn't know about it?"

"At that time when the discovery was made, the Archon war was still plaguing the lands of the seven. I did not have time and I trusted them capable of handling such a task. But before they could figure out a way to open it, they died, along with the people they wanted to protect. Regardless, I recommend that you try to strike a contract with someone who can help you to give you the manuscript. Use what you can to your advantage. We will figure it out from there."

"These are great news!" You exclaim.

You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his middle in a tight hug. He returns the gesture feeling just as happy as you are to indulge in the close contact.

Wait... He said he lost the people searching for it...

A pang of hurt jabs at your chest.

"Zhongli... I'm sorry you lost them... And thank you for taking the time to investigate this for me! I don't know how long it could have taken me to figure this out on my own."

The man runs his hand up and down your back in a soothing motion, mindful of your outfit.

You can feel his chest vibrate subtly as he speaks. "It's my pleasure. As for your apology, there is no need. I only wanted to help the one I care for. I... care about you a lot... And in many ways."

Your cheeks flush red and turn your face away from him, pressing your side of the face against his body in an attempt to hide your already obviously flattered self.

​That was way too sweet. Keep it up and I might fall in love with you.

"Don't hide yourself from me, please." He simply smiles and turns your head to look at him. You don't resist him, but you still can't look directly into his eyes.

You laugh sheepishly. "Heh, your willingness to help flatters me, I'm sure you already know that. You're really a gentleman and not only that, but you're strong and wise too and you've been here for me a lot. It's sweet... And I appreciate everything you are and have done. I care about you too, Zhongli. I do." Your voice is softer at the end, trying to convey the sincerity that you mean it with your voice.

Zhongli hums, almost melodically, as he thinks for a second. He reaches his conclusion a moment later and he moves the palm of his hand to rest against your cheek.

Next thing you know, he presses his lips against your forehead, just slightly above your nose bridge. Your eyes close automatically, feeling meek and hot all of a sudden. He kisses your uncovered cheek next, sending your mind racing with thoughts.

His touch is so gentle you feel like melting right there in his hands, so you do. You lean heavier against him, which he does not seem to mind, but instead embraces you.

His hot breath hits the sensitive skin of your lips, causing you to shoot your eyes open, only to stare into his amber eyes.

He's still smiling and now you can finally discern what's the emotion swirling in his eyes.

It's affection.

For you.

He's so close you can feel his divine presence radiating and without you knowing, you slip up as well, allowing your energy to mingle with his.

Portal to Another World | Genshin Impact Various! x F!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora